And So The Journey Begins...

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I didn't know whether to look around in awe or stare straight ahead. I had this same conflict the other five times. I hurried forward, looking for anyone else similar to me. Even though I live in London, the train station is a rare sight for me.
Standing on tip toe, platform ten came into view. I ran forward, lugging my suitcase and barn owl behind me, almost tripping.
I stood right in front of the column. Focusing on a brick redder than the rest, I surged ahead.

                    •.               •.             •.      

I popped out on platform 9 3/4. It was really early, so only a large crowd was gathered. My father's way is to focus us on studies and not gain any friends, or distractions. I never wore a mask, but liked to keep to myself, yet never missed the chance to express. Of course I know all about the consequences, being a professor's daughter, so I climbed the steps and found an empty compartment near the back, even though the status shielded me from the hardest blow.
I was so excited that the early hour I got up at didn't faze me, but my drooping eyelids told me it was wearing off. The last thing I heard as I drifted off was the early trolley's squeaky wheel.
               •.                •.                 •. 

"Hurry, c'mon! Before the train starts moving!" Harry yelled outside my compartment's door. Two other sets of footsteps thundered down the aisle. Panicking, I draped my invisibility cloak over myself just before the door opened. "Score! We must have found the last empty one!" Scurrying inside, they flopped into seats. Ron landed right beside me, his arm right next to my leg.
My breathing quickened. He was so close I could touch him. My hand reached out, stopping just before a lock of red hair. With a jerk, the Hogwarts Express set out. Causing my hand to plunge into the depths of his hair.
Crap. It's so soft. Crap. It feels like it belongs there. Crap. If I... Crap. I need to get it out. Slowly, I weave my hand back out. My heart rate remains abnormally high.
Despite that, I manage to begin to tune into their chatter.
Hermione: "It feels so good to be back!"
Ron: "And smells good too. Like green apple and tangerine, with a touch of strawberry."
I gasp. That's what my shampoo and conditioner smells like. Ron thinks I smell good? He leans over, his mouth inches from mine. I so desperately want to close the distance. But I can't, because studies come first, and my dad loathes the golden trio, and that's putting it nicely. I was almost a Slytherin, and what kind of Gryffindor likes an almost Slytherin, even if they're actually a Ravenclaw?
Eventually he drops it, but I can still see his nose twitch every so often.
They begin to run out of things to talk about, staring out the window.
Closing my eyes, the rhythmic movement of the train lulls me to sleep once again.

Ron's POV

Nothing has ever smelled quite like this. Somehow, I can tell it's not the train that smells like it. It's not fading away either, so whatever it is it is still here. It's so hypnotic that it makes me want to sneeze, but I can't bring myself to do that. It consumes my mind, I can't even focus on my cauldron cake. Then I hear a cute little snore. Harry and Hermione aren't sleeping. Cautiously, I lean into the corner again. At the right position, I can hear, and even feel a little bit, of even breath.
I smile to myself. Someone, somehow, is here sleeping, and they've been here the whole time.
I sit back and stuff the last of my cake into my mouth.

(Back to) Ari's POV

I wake with a start. Everything is sideways. The trio is gone, but someone has my head in their lap, stroking my hair. I realize my knee is visible. Which means my invisibility cloak is gone.
Startled, I look up into the smiling face of Draco Malfoy.
"Hey gorgeous. I almost got the chance to carry you to the great hall. Too bad." He grins deviously, tightening his arm around my chest.
Why is Draco here? Never once have I talked to him. He's tried to snog me on several occasions, but that's it. Did my dad do something?
Before I get the chance to reply, Ron bursts in. "What smells so good?!" He leaves just as quickly as he came.
Ron's sudden appearance makes me remember the conflicted feelings I had about him earlier. Was I just in awe that I was right by the Harry, Hermione, and Ron, or do I like him?  I don't even know if he likes me back. Here's Draco, someone who definitely likes me. I wanna live, wanna date. The only exception to my dad's rule is Draco Malfoy. For now I'll have to be with possible public enemy number one.
Smiling back, I say, "You still can, you just have to catch me first." Wiggling out of his grasp I speed off, but I only make it to the door before he grabs me.
He hoists me piggy- back, lugging my suitcase and Nila, my barn owl.
How bad could things go? Ron... No time to worry now. I should focus on the great hall festivities ahead.
I plaster a smile on my face, one I'm not quite sure is real when I'm with Malfoy.
My naturally red hair with an underneath layer of black whips around the bottom of my shoulders, my choppy bangs pushed into my eyes by the wind as we move away from the train.

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