Home away from home away from home

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"Now dears, you've got you're hats, scarves, gloves, coats, trunks, cages, oh what are you missing," Molly wailed, seizing Ginny with vigor, greatly disgruntling her expression.
"It's just the floo network, Mum, don't get so worked up. We'll probably be back before you even have time to blink." Ron edged a step closer to the fireplace, still as eager as he had expressed at the dinner table the night before, to go back to Hogwarts and away from that "crazy" mother of his.
"Mrs. Weasley, it's best we head back to school now," Lily mumbled softly, chewing on her cheek.
With one last suffocating hug for all of us, Molly fled from the room, making sure to dodge the ever present Fleur, trying her hardest not spill her tears.
Grabbing a fistful of floo powder, I clutch Ron's hand in my other hand, steeling myself for the confusion of fireplaces.
"TO HOGWARTS!" With that I jumped into the hypnotizing green flames with Ron, pumping my fist in victory.
My head throbbed, swirling my hair in a thick curtain around me as the heat of strangers' fireplaces licked at the soles of my boots, adding to the already applied pressure squeezing my previously compacted body. A tunnel of light was flung into my path of vision, appearing only for a second before I was catapulted on the floor of Professor McGonagall's neatly organized office space.
"Oof!" The sound was squeezed out of my wearied form by the presence of Lily on my backside. Wiggling around, I realized that the fireplace had decided to spit out Ginny on top of the heap of bodies, and until she moved, no one could go anywhere.
"Come, the castle is filling up quickly, and the Great Hall feast will be starting before you know it," Professor McGonagall spoke, pulling us to our feet one by one in order to speed up the process.
"Thanks again," I called, pulling my trunk and Autumn, my barn owl, behind me down the drab stone hallway, spotting the hallway splitter from the rest of the group to the Ravenclaw tower in my mind.
"It was sweet of you to take me, Ronnie...," I lean tauntingly close to Ron, a smirk jeering behind my poised lips that brush his ear. Might as well have some good natured fun to start off with.
He blushes bright red, matching the sweater Mrs. Weasley had knitted for him and made him wear today. Stammering, he tries to assert himself.
"That's-it's-A-Ari...," Ron mumbles displeased with his efforts that have taken so long to sputter that Harry and Lily, both bouncing off the walls at being back in Hogwarts and in the thick of things, are several strides ahead of us.
"Everything is quite okay, that's why I love you." I grip his arm, startling myself at what I've just said but trying not to show it. I squeeze his forearm like it's the last muscle he has.
Spotting the Gryffindor tower staircase winding it's way up again, with the two lovebirds chattering at the base straight ahead, the gears in my head start turning in time to the thundererous beat my heart is thumping.
I'm only so shocked I've said this because it's true, yet I've never offered it any mention or matter before. Why? Is it because of my father's past restrictions that I've been unable to claim this until just now? Or did I always know but was too afraid, still because of Severus?
My heart slows down only to catapult to an alarming rate again as my slightly opened mouth gets a load of greasy black hair for a snack, think of the demon.
"Already? Let's see... Inappropriate contact,"at this he gestured to our clasped hands," failure to attend school events... Anything else I should know about?" He sneered in our faces, trying to get us to cower in fear and shame.
"I should think private classes with me for two months twice a week for you, Ari, whom higher expectations plagued me. Weasley. Detention for a week, everyday after dinner. See to it that amends are at least approached." Snape lips curled as he said Ron's name, as if he had a mouthful of curdled air just from the mere mention.
He thought that this behavior would be stood for. That I wouldn't recognize what he was feeling, thinking that if we were apart from the start, it would crumble.
But being with Molly, Bill, everyone, taught me otherwise. Surprisingly, Fleur the most. They showed me that love gets you through the the toughest times, that it can't get any worse by a good person's side.
Dad will have to see that too.
Boiling up inside, striving to toss out the right response, words tumble out of my volcano.
"You know that won't help! If you really want me, love me, understand me, you'll let me go! You know that this isn't right, or why would I fight? Good will prosper, so right now you're climbing down into flames! No matter what you're still part of family, so start acting like because I CARE!" My breath pounds the stones in an off beat tune that has never been more beautiful. My fiery hair whips from my harsh, chopping movements, swirling like a protective ring. The matching black undertone on my hair catches his eye, pausing his retreating shell.
His neck angles his sharp nose towards me ever so slightly, lips speaking.
"Don't forget what have left you." His form disappears down the hallway.
Refusing to look at anyone anymore, I grip my trunk until my hands are none white and tear off down the hall, to Ravenclaw tower. The solitary maze feels comforting, like I could forever without those worries.
I throw my owl cage down on my bed, making Autumn squawk indignantly. Also on my comforter rests a feebly wrapped package, a few feet high and rounded. I don't even have to glance at the quill scratches on the scrappy brown paper to know who sent it. Figures he'd make my unexpected Christmas present match my unjust punishment for being free.
Sighing, the dull thump in my stomach easily persuades me to hide out in the tower, alone in my miseries. Like u have been for years.
Grabbing my set of pitches, I gaze sorrowfully through the seeing pitch. He'd tucked it behind his ear this morning, so all I saw was a glimpse of Lily laughing through the the occasional break of red mob.
On seeing Harry, I'm jolted out of my stupor.
His face is the picture of agitation, and he keeps glancing at Dumbledore.
What is he not saying?
With a quick look at Lily, he shakes his head and plasters a smile on his face...

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