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Getting ready to unwind at the end of the day, I began to get dressed in my pajamas. While neatly folding my robe, I see a small piece of torn off parchment flitter to the ground.
"What the...," I muttered under my breath, bending over to pick it up.

Want my help? Meet me in the library at 8:00 pm on February 26th.

H? Who the bloody hell is H? What kind of help do they want to offer me? Well, at least this isn't the least bit sketchy. *cough cough sarcasm cough cough* At least I still have a day to think this through.
Still puzzling over the note, I slide it into my defense against the dark arts book.
Finishing my nightly routine, I deliberately ignore the note, diving straight into the comfortable folds of my bed.
Waking up in the morning, I can tell I slept restlessly.
                •.              •.              •.
Shuffling my heavy footsteps, I stall as best as I can. Nevertheless, I still manage to arrive on time.
Wandering through the dusty stacks of books, I don't find anyone. It's seems as if I'm all alone; my only companion is volume after volume.
After what seems like forever, I feel a slight tug on my sleeve. Whirling around, I expect to find someone. Instead, all I get is a book sticking out of a shelf. Frustrated, I continue to wander around.
Suddenly, I start to fall forwards. Excited, my eyes scramble to find the source as I pick myself up off the dingy floor. All I find is a bump in the carpet. Dejected, I keep going.
Where is H?
Out of nowhere, an arm flings out into the aisle. I only see it a split second before I run into it.
"Oof! Couldn't you have been a little nicer, H?" Readjusting my robes, I look up, and I can't believe my eyes. "Hermione? How... What... When..." I stare at her in disbelief, speechless.
"Hi, Ari. I figured you would be baffled. Sorry about that. Anyways, I need to talk to you. I know what happened with you and Ron, and I want to help you get back at him. I'll do just about anything to help you." This is too good to be true. Hermione, of all people? She's been avoiding me for so long, and she chooses now, of all times, to strike up a conversation?
"You do realize this entire situation is suspicious, right? Besides, why should I trust you? You haven't been kind to me in what seems like forever. And when you choose to be nice, it's to get back at one of your friends? Hermione, this is very far fetched." I raise one eyebrow at her, hoping she'll crumble and tell me what her initial intentions were.
"I promise, I really do want to help you. By doing so, I'll get something out of it, too. You know I hated the idea of you two. It's perfectly acceptable for me to still have some resentment. Ari, we were friends a year ago. Why not now?" Putting a sympathetic smile on her face, she outstretches her hand. Sighing, I shake on it.
"Alright, but no funny business. The second something odd happens, I'm on to you, okay?" While her grip is firm and steady, my hand is shaky and light. It's a relief when we break apart.
"Here, take this." Hermione hands me a small coin, one that seems vaguely  familiar.
"What's this for," I ask, loosely holding it, afraid something will happen to me.
"It's one of the old coins from the DA. I thought that whenever one of us had a revenge idea, we could change it so that the other would know to meet up."
"Sure... Listen, I have some work to catch up on, but I guess I'll end up talking to you later. Bye." Rushing out an excuse to leave, I shove the coin into my pocket and dash away.
As I trot back to Ravenclaw tower, I tentatively rub my thumb over the bumpy design of the coin. My shoulders are tense, expecting it to change. It sends a shiver up my spine to feel the effortless waves.

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