A Weekend At Hogsmeade

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Ari's POV
Walking into the Three Broomsticks, I spot Lily and Harry sipping out of a butterbeer together. Lily's bright fuchsia pixie cut makes her easy to spot. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, didn't come this weekend, which is a relief, so I don't have to watch out for them. Hermione and someone else are sitting at a booth in the corner, talking in hushed tones.
I step in line behind an older man, waiting to purchase a butterbeer.
As I turn around, I run smack into Ron, falling over, sending my drink sailing. He catches me, my butt inches from the floor. He's bent over, breathing hard, his mouth inches from mine, his eyes wide. His mouth is inches from mine.
I flashback to that moment on the train, when he's trying to figure out what smells nice. I wanted to close the distance, and this time I do.
I go limp in his arms, the only working muscles my heart, lungs, and mouth. In love but not completely oblivious, I make it short and sweet. I'm not embarrassed to show my affections for Ron, but people are watching, and I just did break one of their glasses. I pull myself back up and slowly walk out the doors, probably for the last time. I don't check behind me, but I'm pretty sure he's frozen to the spot.
The doors swish shut behind me to whistles and applause for Ron.
If he wants answers, he knows where to find them when we get back today, if he bothered to read the piece of parchment I gave him.

Hermione's POV
He never gave me the chance to tell him what I think. Just as I was going to tell him what I thought about Snape's daughter, he brushes me aside to go talk to her, standing behind her as she orders. Then she trips and they kiss.
He has no idea how much it hurts me.
He just stands there. He's completely forgotten me, cast me aside. Then again, he doesn't know I like him. Sighing, I watch his eyes unglaze and him race after her. He left his butterbeer cold and untouched.

Ron's POV
After trying store after store, I find her gazing at cauldron cakes in the back of Honeydukes. Her face goes white and I realize that Snape is sitting at the table talking to her. I dive behind a shelf to listen.
Snape: " Why did I see you parting with  that Weasley scum yesterday? You could do better, like Draco. I know you were together for some time. And you can't forget that you have no friends, no one besides Draco if you choose, and class. Chant with me. No friends and no one but Draco if I want. Class is all. No friends and no one but Draco if I want. Class is all. No friends and no one but Draco if I want. Class is all.
Ari: " *sigh* No friends and no one but Draco if I want. Class is all."
She slumps onto the table.
Then she sits blot upright, and quickly spouts," I don't think that's all.", and runs out of the store, flipping her chair over.

Snape's POV
She's a wonderful girl, but she can't live life that way. Those hooligans are the worst of the worst, as foolish as their parents. Ari can do better. I've taught her not to make their mistakes and not to make mine. For example, in a cloud of misery, (because the girl you like married another and got killed because of it,) tell a woman all your sorrows, become emotionally attached, decide to have a child, then  she leaves you after the baby is born.
Ari may have been put in Ravenclaw, but I can see that she's a pure Slytherin. She's not ready to except it, but that apparently Ravenclaw head of hers will sometime. She needs a safe route, with minimal chances to get hurt. Studies and Draco bring that. I won't let her make my mistakes, and that's what my rules are doing. But she's too much like Ron to want life that way. Those Weasleys, beside Potter and Miss Granger, are trouble.

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