Take a Room

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Ari's POV
I sweetly gaze down at Ron and Harry, celebrating yet another quidditch victory I knew the would win down on the fields, sweat plastered to their foreheads. Without a moments hesitation, his eyes begin searching the stands for me on the Gryffindor side of the Hufflepuff/Gryffindor stands. The moment his eyes spot me, his already enlarged eyes get bigger, and he laughs so hard he doubles over, shaking some sticky, red, wet hair into his eyes.
Lily's already running down to Harry and smothering him in a hug, allowing herself to take in the smell of Harry, starting to kiss his cheek and forehead. Giving the meet signal to an on-top-of-the-world Ron, he runs to the empty locker room and I pick my way out of the stands...
I pick at the buttons on my black pea coat that's supposed to shelter my red Gryffindor t shirted arms from the cold as I lean next to the potions closet, checking for signs of Ron while pretending to totally not be suspicious. Peering around the corner for the millionth time, I come almost face to face with the sweet, physical smell of Ron's scarf, which I then use to pull him around the corner into a suffocating hug.
"I... I just need to celebrate." Ron pants, bending over to rest his heavy, excited head on my smallish, average shoulder.
"How would you like to?" I ask him, tracing a gentle finger against his jaw. And I swear he blushes a bit in answer to my question. That's so cute.
Grinning, I say, "I know just the place.", prompting me to drag him behind me by hand around some corners in the cold and colder dungeon, stopping at a door in a small, dead end hallway off to the right of the potions classroom. The most of the time empty office my dad wouldn't move out of.
Whipping my head right and left, I push Ron and most of myself inside. With a final check, I tuck my head out of the doorway, shutting the door with a final sounding click.
Some of his adrenaline has worn off, leaving him a bit slumped in the rolling black desk chair in the middle of the room.
Walking over, I take his right hand and use it to twirl me in circles so that after a few spins, I'd be sitting with my legs hanging off the right side of his lap, leaning against a heaving, overjoyed chest.
The moment I make contact, he comes alive again, his hands securing a hold on my waist and pressing us closer. So close that my lips find his lightly and passionately, getting deeper with each shared breath. His mouth is sweet and tangy, but still with a shock of chocolate from the chocolate frogs in his 'secret stash' that he eats before every game.
It almost shocks me when his lips move away from mine to travel towards my ear, wandering a trail down my neck. The pleasure shivers that vibrate my spine make goosebumps sprout on my forearms and thighs. I sigh and play with the edges of his shirt; The more his lips move the higher and higher his jersey goes. It sends me a rush of pleasure when he caresses one side of my jaw with his hand while he does short, lingering kisses on the other side of my jaw.
Once I've worked his shirt up high enough and its scooted to hang around the back of his neck, I trace his chest with a finger, skimming all the lines and edges.
Maneuvering my head, I plant deep kisses in an arced line in his hairline. As I'm doing so, a hand from my waist snakes up my back and fiddles with my bun, releasing cascading hair that he pulls close to his face. Once he's done that, his hands draw patterns at the nape of my neck down. The father down he travels, the more he leans over so that we're balancing precariously in the chair. Right before we would fall, I pull him and me up an out of the chair, having help from a warming hand high on my back, resting on my bra strap that I can't tell if accident or not is now twisted.
The minute we're up, I lean against the wall. Within minutes he's pressing me to the wall, totally engrossed in each other. His lips press hard to mine, a hand on either side of me on the wall as he leans down.
Checking my watch, I realize that the Gryffindor party is about to start. Kissing him square on the mouth, I pull us to the door and down the hall, in order to reach the common room fashionably late. Two celebrations in a row, and right before Christmas much less.

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