Double Agent

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"I need to tell you all something; something that's absolutely devastating . You might not believe me, but I've no other choice." Hermione looked around at the two she had gathered in the Gryffindor common room. As she spoke, the glowing hearth behind her crackled and popped, showing her as a dark silhouette. Harry and Ron were about to fall asleep, with heavy lidded eyes and short attention spans.
"Are you paying close attention," she asked, beginning to get annoyed.
"Yeah, yeah, sure, Hermione, go ahead," Ron mumbled, slumped in his arm chair.
Scoffing, Hermione began again," Well, it's about your girlfriend, Ron, so I suggest you pay attention. Anyways, I've been talking to Ari, and she completely hates us. In fact, she even shared plans to get back at you for completely nonsense reasons; actually, nonexistent reasons. Do you remember when... when she gave you Amortentia? And when she cast a minor form of Obliviate on Lily? Well, she plans to do it all again," she finished, her feeling of anticipation rising, awaiting their response.
"You know, this is a real low, even for you, Hermione. Wasting my time to spread lies about my beautiful girl. C'mon, Harry, let's go." Ron started to get up, but was pulled back down by a now wide awake Harry.
"Ron, I think we better listen to her. We have no reason to doubt her, and besides, who knows what this girl is up to? She could be communicating with Voldemort as we speak; after all, her father is Snape. Even if you don't trust her, you trust me. Give her a chance," he pleaded, seeing nothing but truth in her words.
"All right, all right, mate, you don't need to get down on your knees, I believe you, sadly.
"So, what should we do," he asked, turning his attention back to Hermione.
"I didn't think this through that far, but I thought we could talk together in the morning," she said, ending the conversation.
"Yeah, okay. Well it's 'bout time I got some sleep. See you in the morning." Ron, getting up, grabbed Harry and dragged him off to the dorms, eager to get away.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Hermione collapsed back into the chair she was siting in.
"I'm glad that worked," she whispered, feeling her vision cloud over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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