Heart Break Up

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With February drawing closer and closer, I draw farther and farther away. On purpose.
The muggle music flooding my ears does nothing to cure the depression and anxiety I have about what I've been doing. My face drops when I realize what today is.
Valentine's Day.
I sigh, remembering the daydreams I had of today, and the many plans Lily and I squealed over.
Groaning, I drag myself out of my room, stumbling down the stairs to the common room to go to breakfast in the great hall. I don't even bother to glance at my reflection, already knowing what I'll see: disheveled robes and hair, and a tear stained face.
Trudging out of Ravenclaw tower, I couldn't have been more surprised at what I found outside of the door on my way to breakfast.
A big heart shaped box from Honeydukes leans against the wall outside the entrance to Ravenclaw tower. A delicate little white note has a few words inscribed on it, in what can only be one person's handwriting.

For Ari,
Please accept this show of my love. I still care about you, and I miss you terribly.

I can tell right away that the words aren't quite his own; the meaning is his, along with the style, but the words don't belong to him. It's obvious that Lily and Harry had some role in this.
I don't have the strength to put away the probably tampered with sweets, so I push it to the side of the corridor and continue on my way as if nothing happened, despite the sting.
Upon arriving in the great hall, it's right away clear that I'm the only one not put in a better mood because of the holiday.
While staring at the all too familiar decorations and ignoring the dreamy looks on most everybody's face, the song "Bad Blood" plays over and over in my head; while walking to my table, I match my footsteps to the beat.
Not a minute after I sit down, I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Did you get it," he whispers, his breath a breeze blowing my hair.
"Go. Away," I hiss back in reply, stiffening my body.
"I just don't get it, Ari. Why are you doing this?" My cheeks burn as he tries to turn me to look at him.
"Because! I've figured out your stupid little game, alright! Don't be a moron and pretend I don't know otherwise!" My sudden shout echoes in the vast ceiling of the Great Hall, so that every student is able to hear my exclamation.
"Leave me in peace. I'm through with you." A single tear falls onto my slightly combed hair, and then he's gone.

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