Spread like butter on bread

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A few days  after my first extra potions lesson, I find the Gryffindor table tittering about something. Maybe Harry decided to spill about what's been bothering him. Or it could be about the Halfblood Prince's book, after having it for months.
After a few too many obvious (and certainly not furtive) glances followed by a snicker in my direction, I know something's up.
Quite a few of the bobble heads stop dead in the midst of their laughter (mostly first, second, and a few third years) as I stalk over to the dining Gryffindors. 
As soon as I reach their table, I grab the person closest to me for interrogation. Realizing too late that they happen to be Ron.
Before I can back away or say anything to him, he excitedly grabs me and pulls me into a Weasley hug.
"It's you! Hi! Hello! You!" The smile on his face is painful to witness.
"Urm, hey. Listen, what's going on over here?" By the time I finished my sentence, the entire table was staring holes into my head, whether they were in on the "joke" or not.
Immediately thereafter, his expression darkens.
"Hermione, would you care to tell her, or should I?" Hermione? What does Ron mean? What does she have to do with this? Speaking of Hermione, I haven't seen or spoken to her since she  saw Ron and I together. It might be nice to catch up with her.
Before she speaks, a guilty, yet defiant, almost, look passes across her face.
"Why, you're a Ravenclaw, shouldn't you already know?" I stay steady, waiting for her to deliver the truth bomb. "Then again, a Ravenclaw shouldn't need extra potions lessons." There we are.
"You don't have to be rude about it-"
"That's what I said!" I shoot a warning look at Ron, and continue with my sentence.
"And for your information, it's a punishment, not a grades necessity. Anyways, why are you being rude about things? I thought we were good?" The second I tell I thought we were good, I can see her insides flip out.
"Good? Good! Good?! How in the world did you think we were okay?! It hasn't been okay since forever!" All of a sudden, she shoots up off the bench, running away as fast as the tears are running down her face.
One of the professors calls for attention and quiet, so I take my chance and scurry off while the table is preoccupied.
Maybe I can go find Hermione later. At least I can tell that she doesn't know of their plot. That might be part of what's mentally abusing her. Who knows? I will, and soon.

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