Part Twenty Nine

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 Luke's Point Of View

"Calum it's not funny," I say glaring at him as he continued to laugh at my almost fall. "It was though luke, you should have seen your face," he says looking back at me. "Har Har Har, very funny Hood. I don't find it funny" I say. He rolled his eyes at me playfully, "you never find anything funny" he says muttering to himself but I heard him, I ignored his comment, though.

He did just lie, I do find things funny, I find a lot of things funny like erm.. jokes? Yeah, jokes I find those funny and comedians are funny. They make me laugh! So there Calum I do find things funny!

"They walk so slow" Calum complains as we waited for Lucy, Ashton and Yn to walk to us. " we did just run down the corridors Cal, give them some time they do have to walk"

"They need to walk faster" he complains again, I roll my eyes and lean against the wall waiting for them. "You complain too much Calum" "I do not" "Yes you do" "do not" "do" "not" "Yes you do, end of the discussion," I say looking at him. He just looked down the corridor. "Sorry to break it to you lukey poo, we were having a debate not a discussion," he says, he looked at me and I cut my eyes at him, he just grinned."What got nothing to say now?" He asks. "Oh look they're here now," I say happily and stand up straight as Yn, Ashton and Lucy now were with us.

"Let's get some food," Lucy says, the rest of us agreed. Lucy taking the lead we all followed her. Calum walking beside me. " You change subjects a lot lukey poo" I hear Calum say, I just shot him a look he just grinned and carried on walking.

"So that is where Michael is" Calum finishes explaining to Yn, Ashton, Lucy and Leila about how Michael was seeing the nurse and being tested for aids as we sat outside on the grass. "Do you really have to always talk about sex all the time, I mean seriously is that always on your minds like twenty - four seven?" Lucy asks looking at Calum then me then Ashton.

"We're boys what else do you think is on our minds. We'd be lying if we said it wasn't " Calum says Ashton nods his head in agreement. "Ashton you said it wasn't on your mind when I asked you a couple of days ago," Lucy says looking at Ashton. "Looks like Ashton was telling porky- pies"

" I only nodded my head Lucy and besides Calum's right we do now and again think of sex, it's in our memo" "well your memo sucks ass," she says sassily before taking a sip of her drink.

"I bet you think of it anyway," Ashton says, Lucy stops drinking her drink and looks at him, disgusted. "Ashton I can't believe you would think that," she says picking up her things. "I can't believe you, Ashton, I thought you knew me better than that," she says upset before walking away.

Ashton soon got up and went running after her. The poor lad really put his foot in it. "It's alright Ash we'll look after your crap, no worries," Leila says while chewing on her food. I cringed at the sight, girls that talk with their mouths full are disgusting.

"Leila don't talk with your mouthful," yn says to her, "sorry," Leila says back after chewing her food. "I'm just really hungry," she says. "Oh, we can see that," I say, she just glared at me in disgust.

She was looking at me like that, she didn't see herself when she was talking with her mouthful and eating like a damn pig.

"Yn tell your waste of a space of a boyfriend no wait he's not that- whatever he is to shut up," Leila says looking at yn, I just sat there. Yn just looked at her while shaking her head. "Leila remember your promise?" Yn says looking at Leila, Leila nods. "Yes I do" "well your not sticking to it right now" What promise? I was curious.

"Sorry Luke I'm just hormonal," Leila says looking at me, I nod. "It's fine," I say taken by surprise as she was apologising and actually being nice for ONCE. "It's just I'm on my period and sometimes I can be a bit-" "bitchy ?" Calum adds. She shoots him a look.

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