Part Thirty Four

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 Rumours that's all I've heard since I and Luke had broken up at school, rumours and damn gossip about us, different stories about why we broke up. The main one was because Luke was only using me as he did with the other girls, that wasn't true Luke had changed, well I believe he had.

There were also rumours that Luke had gone back to being a player which I don't think was true as he hasn't been seen with girls not like I was looking for him or anything. I did glance at him when I saw him because that is what girls do!

I have spoken to Connor a couple of times during school the last couple of days, he started talking to me for some reason but I didn't think much of it, boys they're hard to understand sometimes. Whenever I spoke to Connor I would look up and always see Luke standing opposite us, shaking his head at me. Who is he to do that? He might not want me to talk to Connor when we were dating but we're not together anymore and nobody, not even a boy I liked was going to control me or tell me who I can and can't talk to.

Leila had finally admitted to me even though I knew already that she had a crush on Ashton, she told me and it explained why she kept acting the way she was whenever she was around Ashton and Lucy. I and Leila had both decided that we weren't going to think of boys as we didn't need boys to make us happy when we could make ourselves happy without them.

But we were kidding ourselves as we knew it wasn't true, she couldn't stop thinking of Ashton as I couldn't stop thinking of Luke.

Today was Saturday, I was up early going for a run with Sammy, Cameron and Carter this morning as they persuaded me to get out of bed and to get up and go for a lovely morning run. When I mean to run me and Cameron was running while Carter and Sammy walked behind out of breath for running too fast which they ended up having a stitch and they had to walk while I and Cameron kept running.

Cameron hasn't been so bad the last couple of days, he hasn't been annoying he's actually back to being himself like he was when I first met him in my house. He's still living in my house though but I guess I'm used to him being here now.

The hardest part about not being with Luke anymore is not that I miss him because I do a lot it's the fact that my sister asks why he isn't coming around anymore, she doesn't understand and it's hard to try and explain to her Luke won't be coming around anymore not often anyway. I mean she's six, she doesn't understand relationships.

"The last one back home is a spring chicken" Sammy yells as the boys start running leaving me there at the park, I had seen Luke standing over by the pond, you know when your mind tells you not to go over there but your heart's telling you to go? That's what's happening now, and I found myself following my heart and walking over to Luke.

"Hey Luke," I say as I approached him, he turned and looked at me, hands in his pockets as he stood. "Hey, " he says as he just looked at me. "How are you-" I was about to say but he cut me off. "I'd love to chat but I have a date with someone," he says making my heart smashed into tiny little pieces, even though we aren't together I still liked him."Oh right, well enjoy yourself," I say slowly, looking at him one more time before turning around and walking away. "Yn!" I hear Luke say, I shook my head and stopped walking and started running back home.

I actually thought Luke liked me but how stupid could I be? It's only been a couple of days and he's going on a date with someone else? I guess he never liked me and maybe Ashton and Leila were right, he was only going to use me. He said he liked me and if he did like me, how could he be going on a date so soon?

I soon found myself at my front door, opening it, I walked in and closed the door behind me. "hey dear, how was your run? " mum asks as I walked into the living room and sat down. I took off my Adidas trainers and placed them on the ground.

"Alright, I guess," I say as I leant back on the sofa. I saw my mum just give me a look. "I saw Luke," I say after it went silent. "Oh honey that's great' she says excitedly. "he was going on a date with someone," I say, "Aww yn dear, I'm sorry. You know you can do so much better" she says as she looked at me. I just looked at her not speaking.

"You know what you need, sweetie. You need to forget about him and go and have fun, your seventeen dears. You don't need a boy stopping you from doing what you want or if you want to go out with someone older by a year or two, like Cameron, for instance, he's a nice boy." She says standing up and walking out of the living room, I just sat there taking in what she said.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"I'll get it" I hear Carter yell and then saw him run down the stairs from where I was sat in the living room. I heard the door open and Carter say, "who are you?" Deciding to get up and investigate to see who was standing at the front door. I walked over to Carter. "Who is it?" "This dude," Carter says before walking away from the front door. Turning to look at the person stood at the front door, I saw Calum Hood, Luke's friend at my door.

"Yn," he says looking at me. I just looked at him, "not to be rude what are you doing here, Calum?" I ask as I looked at him. "Aww, what happened to call me Cal huh?" He says smiling at me, I smile a little. "What are you doing here?" I repeat.

"I'm here to ask you to come with me to a party tonight," he says, I raise my eyebrows at him. "Why would I come to a party?" I ask him. "Because Luke's going to be there and I want you to come with me," he says. "Then I'm not going if he's going to be with another girl," I say going to close the door on him. "That is the problem, the girl he's with, she horrible and will only use him," Calum says.

"He's old enough to take care of himself Calum," I say as I looked at him. "Please just come with me as if your there he won't do anything stupid," he says. I don't know why I'm so nice, the thought of someone using Luke made me sick, "Fine, I'll come" I say, he grinned. "What time is the party?" I ask.

"It's at eight but be ready for half seven, I'll pick you up," he says, I nod my head. "Thanks, yn, I owe you one," he says. "Yes, you do," I say, he chuckles before saying goodbye and walking away from my front door. "Bye," I say before closing the door and turning back around to see Cameron standing there.

"You've broken up with him but you're going to a party to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, you're being stupid," Cameron says, looking at me arms folded. "No, it's called being caring and not wanting him to make a fool out of himself," I say as I walked into the living room Cameron hot on my tail. "But him making a fool out of girls was allowed?" He asks. "Cameron will you just drop that," I say as I sat down, turning on the television and starting to watch New Girl.

"I just think you're doing it so he will want you back," he says, I ignored him by turning up the sound to block him out.

I just think you're doing it so he will want you back.

I just think you're doing it so he will want you back.

I kept hearing Cameron's words in my head, repeating them over and over.

Truth maybe I did want Luke back but tonight was not about that it was making sure no girls used Luke even though if it did happen you could say it was karma. But Luke changed well he did, I hope he stuck to changing and hasn't gone back to being a player.

Everyone knew what Luke was like at parties well used to be like, I just couldn't allow someone to use him, I cared for him too much to allow that to happen.

I guess Luke Hemmings meant more to me than I actually thought. I guess no matter what happened between us, deep down I was still going to care for him. 

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