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"I don't know what happened really," coach spoke as he looked at all the guys seated in front of him in the so called 'meeting room', "You played a great game last night, great game, but somehow you were not present"

He frowned and walked back and forth on the podium that was placed in the front of the room, the big white board on the wall was empty, only small marks of previous words written still visible.

"It was weird to see you like that. I thought that you had learned almost everything about each other now after playing with each other for 6 weeks, but when seeing you guys play yesterday, it was like you didn't even know each other. Why's that?" he asked and looked around for someone to answer. He nodded towards Markus who was seated with his hands under his chin, a tired look on his face.

"Because we played a selfish game, we didn't communicate enough with each other and we all wanted to do good, maybe too much" Markus spoke and coach nodded.

"It was a very selfish game, and I wonder how that come since all I have told you during this camp is to play together, as a team. You can't win a game of you don't play as a team, and you can't play beautiful football if you're all on your own" he spoke and ran a hand over his chin thoughtfully.

"But we did win" Sam spoke up from the front row and coach looked at him and sighed.

"I know, but I don't see a win unless it's the whole team who has made it, not just half of it.

"I know there's important people watching you, people that can decide your whole future in this sport, but believe me when I say that they don't just look at your personal performance; they look at how you work with other people, how you behave, how you listen and how you act. This is a team sport, and that is the main focus in everyone's minds"

"I'm fucking screwed then" I mumbled, earning Calum's attention as he sat beside me.

"What, why? The scouts can't see you and Ashton's fights that you had the first half of this camp, they only see how you perform on the games and you've done really good on each game" Calum whispered back.

"They do know about the fights and insults and hating and all that shit" I sighed and pursed my lips.

"How? They've never been here at the school"

"They don't need to, everything we do here, good or bad, is written down in our personal papers that will be sent out after the camp is done. We'll have them with us all the time," I sighed again, "So every shit I've done is written down on those papers"

"Really?" Calum whispered, his eyes slightly wider, "Who told you this?"

"Ashton," I said and shrugged, "We both are in deep shit"

"Lucky you two are best of mates now then" Calum grumbled and I chuckled.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" I asked, a smirk on my face as I looked at him. He scoffed.

"Fuck no, I don't need to be jealous, you're my best friend. Kindergarten and still going strong" he said and grinned, making me laugh quietly.

"I'm not 'best of mates' with Ashton," I mumbled soon after, "We just speak and we don't hate each other anymore, and we keep the insults away. That's all there is really, wouldn't really call us 'friends'"

I had no fucking idea what me and Ashton were. Were we friends? Were we 'enemies'? Were we simply teammates and roommates or were we something completely different?

Ash and I were something, and I was really confused on what we were. I was really confused about everything involving Ashton, and it was frustrating. He never showed anything; not what he felt or what he wanted. He was basically like a blank canvas, and that was impossible to read.

roommates • lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now