Chapter Nine.

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-Four Months Later- I started to unpack in the new house that me and Storm bought. I felt bad leaving Sarah by her self with out me or Storm. We decided to move out because too much people were starting to live there. Storms mom and dad got a divorce and now there meeting new people, Sarah has a friend living there not sure who but that's what I know. Ella? She has moved out too she lives with us and has a boyfriend named Ronnie, Storm has a job now so he gets paid $20.00 an hour. So does Ronnie,him and Ella were banging on the wall and all you heard was moaning and screaming, I rolled my eyes and continued to unpack I was already done with my room and Ella was done with hers the kitchen was all that was left and I was done within the hours that passed. There was only one room left. I wasn't sure what we were going to do with it if we were going to do something I am pretty sure it would be a guest room. Other then that maybe a game room. I walked up to our room and kept hearing screams from the room they were still having it. "Shut the hell up!" I yelled. Jealous much? Yelled Ronnie. I stood quiet and laid on the bed my phone rang it was a text from Storm Saying he just got out of work Me: alright hurry and get home there still doing it! Baby: be there in 15. I stood there on the bed and sighed I turned on the t.v and watched a Sleeping With Sirens music video it was If You Can't Hang. I honestly loved this song mostly because I was cheated on in the past and so this song related to me. Most of there songs do. The door opened up and there Storm was standing I smiled and ran to hug him he caught me squeezing me tight. "I missed you too." He teased I ran and jumped on the bed he closed and locked the door he smirked at me and sat next to me. He kissed me soft then roughly and scooted his hand up my thigh I moaned softly leaving Storm to push me on the bed kissing my neck everything got more intense and I blacked out leaving us too have each other intertwined with each other. The next day was quiet since we had money we decided to grab Sarah and go puppy shopping (:3 yay!) We entered a dog shop and saw a gorgeous pit bull it was gray with blue eyes. We kept looking around and stopped at a collie maybe a husky, it was reddish orange and white with gray blue eyes. "Can we see this one please?" I asked. The guy took us into a play room with the puppy and we played with it for a while we found out it was a girl that she was 3 months. She was able to have puppies got all her shots and stuff. I instantly said well take her! Our credit was grate and our home was clean and it was just bought it needed a dog to feel cool in. They gave us a month worth of dog food two bowls a collar and a leash "What are you going to name her?" The cashier asked. Me and Sarah looked at each other and tried thinking, "How about Copeland?" Sarah asked. "It's Kellin's daughter yes but I love that name for one an two there both cute!"She exclaimed. Okay Copeland it is.; I replied The guy typed in the name leaving us to put on the collar and slip the name tag on. We put on the leash and left the store.


We unlocked the door, Copeland did pee and poo before we got here so we had no trouble. Since we had a back yard I figured later we will put her there. We let her off her leash and she ran to sniff everything. She walked adorably but weird cause she was wagging her tail really fast. "Babe! Ella! Ronnie! Come here we have something for you!" I yelled They all came out and saw the puppy and ran to greet her "Oh my gosh she's a cutie!" They all said she sniffed them and ran away. "Her names Copeland." Me and Sarah said. "Why Copeland?." They asked. "Because Copeland is Kellin's daughters name it's different and so is she." I said. They all stared at her in a cute looking way. She ran into the back yard looking for a perfect spot to roll in I could already tell she was a messy puppy. I left with Storm to go get the puppy more things. We went to Pets Shop and got her a bed, a cage,and some play toys. When we came back we saw her asleep on Sarah. Sarah was laying on her back watching t.v on the couch while Ronnie and Ella was up stairs doing stuff. Like always. We started putting the play toys on the bed and started building the cage after that was finished we gave her food and water let her use the bathroom she sniffed the toys and played with them am hour later she climbs up the stairs and runs into our room and jumps on our bed sleeping there. I go up stairs and plop down on the bed next to her Storm does the same we petted her lightly. "What do we do now?" Asked Storm. "It's up too you love." I replied. I got up too grab my towel and went to the bathroom I got in the shower and washed my hair and body and walked out .. I noticed my hair was fading.. I needed too re dye it, Sarah dyed her hair pink and Ella dyed hers green. I wondered what color should I dye mine. I walked back into the room and grabbed my clothes I put on my Green Day shirt and my green jeans with my black vans I dried my hair and started straightening it I did my make up and sat on the bed. Storm looked at me and hugged me leaving the dog to jump up and run back to Sarah. I knocked on Ella's door asking of she can watch Sarah while me and Storm left to go hang out for a little. She sighed and said yeah. Me and Storm hugged Sarah and told her we would be back. Storm drove us to the drive in movies, it was nice to go to an old movie theater I have never been to one.

As I held Storm's hand he gently kissed mine in the back was Sarah, Ella and Ronnie.

Sarah went to go use the bathroom so I went with her, she kept asking if I were ever going to get married to her brother I doubted it.

I looked at my phone and saw my moms messages that she texted me. Maybe I should at least see her to say hi? I thought .

You never know. Hopefully it's apologetic, you can never put your hopes up too high.

As we walked back I sat in Storm's lap with his arms around me and cuddled him Ronnie and Ella of course were playing handsies (touching each other)

Sarah decided to sit next to us.

The movie was over I really wasn't paying attention mostly because the thought of my mom asking me to come home?

Doesn't it seem suspicious? Why?

As we drove home Copeland was waiting for us and I smiled and laughed as she greeted us by jumping and barking and running around,

As we sat down I got dressed in comfy clothing mostly black and white stripped pajama pants and a black veil brides shirt.

Sarah headed up for bed and Ronnie and Ella where up for a game of spin the bottle (a type of kissing or truth or dare game)

I said no that we needed more people the more the better and I asked who's gonna come here at ten pm I wiped off my make up and cleaned my face after that I went on Tumblr.

Ever since I found tumblr I could never really get off it, something with me and that website gets easily attracted with each other.

I messaged lots of people who kept asking where have I been and I lied saying I had to move when really I just dropped out.

Ella came in and sat on bathtub waiting for me to go out and play video games with Ronnie and I laughed and said I'm on tumblr.

"Ehhhh Casey you're no fun." I looked at her and smiled shyly and said I'm going to bed.

Copeland was down stairs and Ella and Ronnie were sleeping and so was Sarah me and Storm were just cuddling and kissing the entire night till I told him I want to throw a house party and smiled as his eyes were closed and his breathing became even I snuggled in closer for warmth whispering "I love you." to him good night.

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