Chapter 7

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Katniss' P.O.V.

Peeta walks in front of me, opening the door. I hesitate before stepping in after him.

We go into the elevator to go to the tenth floor, where Dr. Aurelius' room is. When we got inside the building, my hand was softly placed into Peeta's. But now, I am clenched onto Peeta's fingers. He isn't saying anything. He doesn't even wince.

Soon, we arrive at a door labeled 'Dr Aurelius'. Peeta makes me let go of his hand for one moment to knock on the door. As soon as he finishes, I grasp his hand again. I could never come into a hospital without him beside me. Without him, all I can think is brutal memories of news being delivered at hospitals and dreadful times I want to forget. Medics taking away Peeta from me after our first games. District 12 being destroyed. Peeta almost killing me while I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me.

"Come in!" A voice calls. The voice I've heard on the phone so many times. But its been too long since we've seen each other in person.

Peeta opens the door. We enter to see Dr. Aurelius perched behind a desk, smiling at us warmly.

"Katniss! Peeta! Its been so long since I've actually seen you two!" Dr. Aurelius exclaims. He must be getting more sleep lately. "Come, sit down."

Peeta and I take a seat in the two white chairs that are placed in front of the doctors white desk. The whole room seems to be white. The desk, the chairs, the walls, the tiles on the floor. The hospital bed.

"Doctor, its very nice to see you again," Peeta greets as he and Dr. Aurelius shake hands. I offer the man a smile however, I think that I am making it too obvious that its fake.

After a bit more small talk, Peeta and the Doctor move onto what we are actually here for.

"Can you two explain what happens in detail during these, 'Flashbacks'?"

Peeta's concerned expression slowly creeps back onto his face.

"Katniss?" He says slowly.

"Peeta. I don't remember them," I remind him. Peeta nods softly, knowing that he cant force me into this. He knows that I am stubborn, I always have been, and I always will be.

Instead of me, Peeta starts to explain everything the best he can.

"We they've been going on for quite a few years now. Katniss' started after I came back to district 12. But they've only just started getting worse. Before, they were just like short panic attacks. Now..." Peeta grimaces. "Well, you already know about my flashbacks. They've been going for a lot longer than Katniss', but somehow, her's seems more violent." I look up from my hands. Really? Are my flashback more violent than Peeta's? When Peeta has a flashback, he wants to kill me. In mine I want to kill myself... And that can trigger Peeta having a flashback. I am more violent.

As Peeta continues, I look down at my hands again. "In mine, I want to kill Katniss. In her's, Katniss wants to kill herself. Which can also trigger me having a flashback." I nod my head softly, not looking up from my hands. Thats what I thought. "I think it starts by her thinking of bad memories."

"Such as?" The Doctor questions. Oh no...

Through the corner of my eye, I see Peeta glance at me quickly before saying, "Things like the games, the rebellion. Her sister."

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think that she died because of you. Even though she did. She died because of you. Her stupid sister, created a rebellion just to save her. But she still died. Your are so stupid. A stupid killer. You killed Prim.

I sense my breathing turning rapid. Peeta immediately looks alarmed. Dr. Aurelius looks confused. I close my eyes. But I see bombs. The parachutes. Getting a glance of Prim's face before she was blown to pieces.

Thats when I start to scream. I scream. The voice keeps echoing in my head. You killed Prim. You killed her. You killed her. You killed her. You killed your own sister. My screams get louder, as the voice turns angrier. You killed her. If you hadn't wanted to save your ass in the games and started a rebellion, then maybe she would have lived. You should have died. But you didn't. But she did. It might be better if you just died too.

Scream. My screams echo through the room. Peeta is trying to hold me, to pull me into his embrace. But I shove him away.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" I scream at him. He tries to tell me to stop. He tells me that I have to stop. A little voice in my head tells me that its not real. But it is soon blocked. Die. "Peeta! Please just kill me. Please just end it. Please. Im a mutt. Kill me."

"MUTT?" Peeta shouts. His eyes are now clouded. Its like he has a smirk on his face. "MUTT!"

I smirk back at him.

"Mutt. Im a mutt."

Peeta's thick fingers grip my neck.

As I struggle to breath, I see medics and security guards rushing towards us. The boy's grip around my neck tightens. I know Im about to go under.

When I know that I have come to what I hope is my last breath, I whisper two words to Peeta.

"Thank you."

But just before I close my eyes, I hear a gunshot. I see Peeta wincing in pain. Peeta. No. No. Peeta. No

"No. Peeta." I gasp.

Darkness consumes me. I feel like Im floating. But I am not floating on water like I was after Prim's death. This time, I am floating on air.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the really short chapter! 

And you probably think that I have an obsession with wanting to kill Katniss. No I don't really but... Oh well. Sorry about the cliff hanger. 

So if you guys liked this chapter (well maybe not liked but thought it was feelsy or something... Cuz I hate Peeta turning Mutt and stuff soooo) please vote and comment any feedback to show your support! You don't have to though! I'll love you all the same!

Thanks for reading! And also, stay tuned for updates and any other books I might make! 'Cause I have QUITE a few ideas!

Bye Bye,


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