Jemma and micheal

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Jemma's outfit above
I went and got changed ( outfit on top ) and curled my hair
Michael: I'm here
Me: ok
I walked down the stairs sneaking past my parents room because it's 10:30 pm and they are in bed. I opened the door and there was micheal. " hey beautiful " he said. I just died. " hey " I replied, " you good to go ". " yeah "
I walked to his car. It was a black jeep, and man was it a hot car. I climbed in the front next to Michael. " where are we going " I asked. " you'll have to wait and see" he answered. " awwwww whyyyy " I wined. He laughed. We drove for about 30 minutes, it was quite with the radio playing amnesia by 5SOS.
Soon we arrived at a restaurant. It was beautiful. " Michael this is like, the most expensive restaurant in town ". " I know " he simply answered
We walked inside greeted by a skinny blonde with her hair pulled into a ponytail and her t-shirt showing to much cleavage. " hello how may I help you " she asked Michael with flirty eyes. " table for two please " he answered plainly knowing she's flirting with him. " sure " she answered, we walked towards the back were it's more private area. We sat down and she bent over and put the menu's down leaning over the table so Michael so he could see her boobs. Thot, I thought. " I'll be back in 10 minutes to take your orders " she said sending a wink towards Michael. If this bitch don't stop flirting with him I'll squish her like the bug she is. She sent me a glare. Oh no she didn't. " do it again " I said. She looked at me confused. " what " is all she managed to say, playing dumb. " do it again " I repeated. " do what " she replied. She's getting on my last nerve. " flirt with Michael and send me stink eyes " I said. " I don't know what you're talking about, I mean look at you, why would he want you. He wants me" she said. That's it, I thought. I lunged over the table and tackled her to the ground, punching her in the face again and again. Michael is screaming my name trying to pull me off the girl, but I had a rock hold on her. He eventually pulled me off her . She had a bleeding nose, probably broken. A purple eye and a split lip. That will teach her. " excuse me, sir but you and your girlfriend have to leave " the manager said. Good way to ruin a good night Jemma, I thought. " she's not- well not yet " Michael said. Holy crap. " let's go " he said grabbing my hand, and leading me out the front. I walked past the window and she was standing there. I sent her the finger and walked with Michael. " someone got a little jealous back there " he joked. " ughh, that's the problem your not my boyfriend so I don't know why I got jealous and punched the sh*t out of her " I explained. " do you want me to be your boyfriend " he asked. " I'd love to " I replied. " really " he questioned. " really " I replied. I turned and kissed him. " but there's a problem, I'm going on tour for a week in two days " he said disappointed. " bring me with you " I said. " would you want to " he asked. " I'd love to. " what about Calum and Jamie" I added. " Calum hasn't told Jamie yet but I think if he does she'll tag along like you will be " Michael explained. " ok " I replied. " you would get home it's 12:37 pm " he said. " I'll drive you of course " he added. " yeah ok " I replied. He drove me home, heartbreak girl was playing and I started to sing along. " you called me up, it's like a broken record saying your heart hurts " I sang. Michael turned it down " Heyyy I was jamming out there " I winged. " you have a beautiful voice " he said. " thank you " I replied. We pulled up in my driveway, I jumped out and walked around to Michaels side of the car. He wound down the window. " bye beautiful " he said and gave me a kiss. " bye handsome " I replied and waked to the front door. I turned around and waved. I walked up the stairs and flopped down on my bed. And instantly fell asleep.

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