Chapter 1-'Is that a neon pest I see?!'

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Hello, guys! :D

So this is the first official chapter of the story! Before starting, there are some things that have to be sorted.... First off, this is a JOINT account

Secondly, there WILL be cursing... A bit... Kind of....

Thirdly, (to you horny fans out there) (jk! :P) yes there will be....... Scenes....

Thank you for reading, please vote, comment and fan! Thank you very very very much!!

Hey, is that a ticket to One Directions house I see? For you? If you vote? HELL YES. YOU WILL 10000000% GET FREE INVISIBLE UNICORNS AND 1D HOUSE TICKETS FOR VOMMENTING!! :D

Anyways, ON WITH ZE STORY!:)xxxx


*I was sprawled out on my bed pretty much like my bed sheet. Well, just not that I'm as thin as a bed sheet... I'm not saying that I actually wanna be that thin. I mean, just imagine someone so thin. They'd like fly to China and bang into the Great Wall Of China and that would hurt. Bad.

Anyways... I'm irrelevant...

I had my laptop literally on top of me while I was watching danisnotonfire's new video, 'Draw My Life'. He's just the epitome of randomness. Yeah, bitch, you got me right.

Suddenly, the doorbell of doom rang downstairs. Nah, just kidding! It's just Satan, our buddy, coming to visit us.

Meh, too lazy.

"EVE, COULD YOU PLEASE ANSWER THE DOOR?!" I hollered. And yeah, Evelyn's my roomie. And homie, yo.

No reply.

Baba must be asleep. Wait! No! She's not asleep! She's not even at home... The note she left on the kitchen counter specified she won't be home until later tonight... THEN WHO IS THIS AT MY DOOR?!?

What if its a rapist?! Don't open the door, Del, don't!

Shut it, brain. No normal rapist comes through the door. Blonde brain.

Wait, if my brain is blonde, does that mean that I'm blonde too?!

But I'm a re-


Yeah. So, I grabbed the thing nearest to me - self defense, you see - which happened to be my Nerf Gun. What? I just like unleashing my inner child more often.

I cautiously went downstairs and towards the front door. The person-

Pedophile, Brain corrected.

Brain, I told you to shut up. I'm not even a kid anymore.

Fine, so what about the cupboard full of Lego and Nerf Gu-

*bang bang bang* (ew, not that way, you dirty, dirty people!)

Thanks for shutting Brain up, person-who-is-trying-to-break-my-door-to-get-into-my-house-to-rape-me. :)

I gathered all my shit and open the door to... Loagan...?

And yes. I MEAN LOGAN LERMAN. Now go cry to yo mamma.

"Del, you're alive!" He over-exaggerated as he wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug.

"Yes, I am, but won't be for long if you don't release your death grip on me," I said trying to get him to let me live.

"Sorry," He said, sheepishly, "You just weren't replying to my texts since the past hour and I got anxious, so I came over to see if you were okay." Isn't he a cutie pie? :3 Teehee.

Can't Help Falling In Love~A One Direction Fanfic (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now