Chapter 2

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After an hour of lunch the bell rang which means time for class again. Me and Lauren were going to the same Maths class so we walked together and told the boys that we would meet them outside the school after school.

We walked up the steps but all I was thinking about was 'what is Sara up to, I mean she has never invited us to anything before and she is inviting us to the biggest party ever with all these amazing artists.'

I turned to Lauren who was daydreaming. "Hey, what's wrong with you, you haven't said a word all lunch?" I asked. "Ohhh, nothing I am just thinking about what I am wearing for tonights party and what I will say to One Direction!" she said. She was a HUGE One Direction fan!!

"What are you wearing?" she asked. "Not sure, do you want to come over to my house to get ready and sleep over then after the party, you can help me find something to wear?" I asked. "Ya that would be great but is your dad not working today?". "He is but he is having a meeting at our house with his boss, Simon Cowell, about something important but he won't mind!"

The second bell rang which means if you are not in class you better hurry up before you get in SERIOUS trouble. So me and Lauren ran to class. We got there just in time because the teacher was just walking in the door.


After listening to three different teachers go on about stuff that makes no sense, the last bell rang which meant, it was finally SUMMER. Everyone ran out of school and Me, Lauren, Kyle and Jack went to BB's for a smoothie. "Do any of ye want a lift to Sara's tonight?" Kyle asked. "Ya that wound be great thanks!" we all said at the same time.

"Come on Alex (everyone's nickname for me), let's go to your house to get ready I want to look my best for Harry tonight!" Lauren said.

"Ok, just let me grab my bag!"

We walked in to my drive way and saw that my dads car was gone which was a bit strange because I thought he was working at home today. We walked up to the door and I noticed a letter taped to it, it read....

Dear Alex,

Simon wanted me to come in to his office for the meeting, so I won't be home for a while. I got your text today about the party tonight, sorry I didn't reply phone out of battery. Yes you can go just behave! Will talk to you later have fun. Love You,


"Is everything ok, Alex?" Lauren asked. " Ya, fine come on let's get ready for the party!" I said. We ran up stairs to pick out our outfits and get ready.


After a few hours we were ready. "Alex, I love that gold top with those leather shorts, so cute!" Lauren said. "Thanks, and I love those silver shoes with that white strapless dress!" I said "Thanks!"

**********BEEP BEEP**********

We heard a car horn beep. I looked out the window and it was Kyle and Jack. We walk down stairs and opened the door. "WOW!" was all the boys could say which made us smile. "Thanks, you look pretty wow yourself's" Lauren said. We hopped in to the car and we went to the party!

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