Part 8

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"So guys what are our plans for tonight?" Austin asked. We all thought for a minute until Zach suggested we go ding dong ditch. We all agreed. We decided to go to a neighborhood a few blocks away from my house. Since everyone knew each other in the neighborhood we didn't want to get caught and then get in trouble.


We arrived at the neighborhood after a 10 minute walk which consisted of us singing songs super loud and acting like weirdos.

"Okay guys so who's wants to go first?" Tyler asked us. We all looked at each other. No one wanted to go first so I decided to show these boys how its done.

"Well you wimps I will go and show you how it's done" I said to them while I went up to the door. The guys went to hide in a bush across the street. I pressed the button and it rang 'ding dong' I waited a few second until I ran across the street to hide behind the bush. We heard the door open and then we heard

"Hey I see you guys you hoodlums I know who you are I will find you and call the police!" We all started bursting out laughing. The guy then closed his door and we ran away to find another house. After a couple more houses we decided it was time to go home.

"Hey guys can I just do one more house?" Robert asked whining like a baby.

"Ugh okay but hurry up!" Alex replied back. Robert went up to the house. Wait this house looked really familiar. Then I realized who's house it was. It was to late cause Robert rang the doorbell and the old man that called us hoodlums came out.

"Hey I just called the cops they are gonna be here any minute now!" Oh crap we all said in unison. We then started sprinting back to my house. But being the clumsy person I was I tripped over my own leg and fell and hurt my ankle. Everyone just kept running except for Austin.

"Hurry up! The cops are going to be here soon!" Austin whispered yelled trying not to wake up the neighborhood.

"No leave me here to die!" I said really dramatic.

"Stop being a drama queen! Get on my back" Austin said lifting me up onto his back. We then started running back to my house. I could hear him breathing really hard. Well I don't blame him he's sprinting and carrying me. We got to my house and Austin dropped me off on the porch. The guys stopped to catch their breaths.

"Wow Robert you are dumb!" Zach said.

"Whatever that was like our highlight of our spring!" Robert said back.

"Not my highlight" I whispered. The guys looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked me.

"Oh um nothing I don't know why I said that." I said back staring at the ground. I looked up and saw Austin staring at me blushing. I know he knew what I was talking about.

"Well anyways lets go inside and get your ankle iced up" Austin said carrying me on his back again. Alex opened the door and Austin sat me down on the kitchen counter. Robert got a bag of ice and put in on my ankle.

"You would be the one to trip and hurt yourself when we were being chased by the cops" Zach told me.

"Okay first of all we weren't being chased and second of all I'm really clumsy" I said defending myself.

"Whatever" was all he said back. After sitting around in the kitchen for a few minutes we want upstairs to my room. It was now Alex turn to carry me upstairs.

"Wow with how much you eat I would expect you to be heavy but your as light as a feather!' Alex proclaimed.

"Yea yea whatever" I said back. I limped to the bathroom to get dressed while the guys got dressed in my room. When I came back into my room everyone was on the floor in their sleeping bags.

"Wow you losers tired already" I said limping into my bed.

"Hey you weren't the one running" Tyler said.

"Whatever" I said getting into my bed. Tyler and Zach where on the floor at the foot of my bed and Alex was on one side of the bed next to Robert and Austin on the other side.

"Goodnight you guys" I said while yawning.

"Goodnight" everyone said back. I then went to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later because I had a bad dream. I woke up sweating and breathing really hard. I guess I was whimpering in my sleep because I heard someone getting up and asking

"Hey Alexa are you okay?" Austin asked me.

"Oh um yes I just had a bad dream" I replied back trying to remember the dream.

"Okay well if you need anything let me know." Austin replied.

"Well actually can um you sleep in my bed with me?" I asked back embarrassed. Without answering Austin got up and came into my bed.

"Thanks" I said to Austin while closing my eyes.

"No problem" Austin said while I felt his arms go around my waist.

"Hope this doesn't make you feel awkward I just want to keep you safe" Austin whispered.

"No it's fine I actually quite like it" I said back smiling. I then fell asleep. Okay so my feelings for Austin might've come back.


Okay guys updated! My next chapter is gonna be way longer so it might take a awhile for that update to happen. I want to thank that one special person who always comments and lets me know what they think. You know who you are! Those people make me want to continue writing. Well update will be in like a week. Thanks:)

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