Part 10

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A/N busy week 1 is done! Now for like 5 more:( anyways my concert on Friday was AMAZING! I saw Demi lovato Cher Lloyd Olly murs icona pop emeli sanday (however you spell it) I also saw trey songz ne yo AND FREAKING ZEDD! I LOVE ZEDD anyways enjoy this chapter;)





We were in subway for an hour eating and talking. After everyone was done eating we all piled back into the car. We all sat the way we sat going to subway so again I was next to Austin and Zach. It was now even more dark then before cause the clouds were covering the moon so it was perfect cause I was about to be brave. I made sure it was the right moment when everyone was talking and there were no light. My hands were in my lap and Austins hands were on his knees. 'Okay Alexa you can do this be brave!' I then grabbed Austins hand. He immediately grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. I looked up at Austin he was already looking at me. We both smiled at each other. I then felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked at Zach who was giving me a thumbs up I smiled at him then continued the conversation with everyone else. When we got to Alex's house I let go of his hand before the rest of the boys saw. We all went inside into Alex's house and went up to his room to brainstorm what we should do for the rest of the night. We all decided we would all get dressed into our pj's and then we would go outside to his backyard and just do random stuff. I went to my bag and when I opened it I realized I forgot my pj's.

"Um guys I sorta forgot my pj's" I said when the boys were done getting changed.

"Here Alex let me borrow your car I'll take Alexa cause I also forgot my toothbrush" Austin said while grabbing the keys from Alex.

"Okay just be careful don't ruin my baby" Alex said. We walked out of the room and before I left Zach smirked at me. He also mouthed 'have fun'. We walked out of his house to his car. We could have walked but personally I don't feel like walking and I doubt Austin wants to too. It was like a 5 minute drive to my house and then an extra 3 minutes to Austin's. After a few minutes I said something.

"About holding your hand I thought it was my turn to keep you safe" I said still looking forward.

"Well I'm glad you did. And since I'm the one driving and not Alex I hope what I'm about to do won't weird you out" He then grabbed my hand. He intertwined our fingers we then rested our hands on my lap. I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Austin.

He nodded and I continued.

"Well you know how you said you didn't like me well with all this stuff that's been happening with us it makes me feel like you still like me" I was hoping he wouldn't say no I don't like you cause I don't want to be embarrassed.

"Okay honestly I never stopped liking you. I went out with Samantha cause you were all I was thinking about and I couldn't handle it knowing you didn't like me back. But when you said you liked me it made me feel horrible cause I could've had a chance with you but I ruined it." Well that made me blush.

"Well to be honest with you I never stopped liking you either" I said. Well now we both know we like each other.

"Well what do we do now?" Austin asked. I realized we were in my driveway but I continued talking.

"Well no offense I kinda just want to be friends for now I want to take things slow,but I wouldn't mind holding hands and hugging and stuff couples do, but just occasionally" I turned to look at him.

"Whatever you want. And I wouldn't mind holding hands either." He turned to look at me and I smiled at him.

"To be honest I didn't really forget my pj's" I told him.

"And to be honest I didn't really forget my toothbrush." He said to me. We backed off my driveway and headed back to Alex's house. We never stopped holding hands. When we arrived at Alex's house I asked him a question.

"Could we wait to tell the rest of the boys?"

"Yea sure that's fine with me" Our hands separated and we went inside. The boys were already in the backyard.

"Hey guys we are back we are just going to get changed." Austin told them while I waited by the stairs for him. He came back and we went upstairs. I got dressed in the bathroom and he got dressed in the room. We went back downstairs and went outside to the rest of the boys. Until 1 am we just talked and laughed. Since it was a nice temperature outside we decided we were sleeping outside. We went upstairs to get our sleeping bag and pillows.

"Hey Zach I'm pretty cold can I borrow your hoodie?" I said giving him the puppy dog look.

"Fine fine!" He gave me it and I put it on. I looked at Austin and he kinda looked jealous. I wanted to say something out loud but the boys were still in the room. So I texted him.

'Hey don't be jealous I asked Zach cause I didn't want it to look suspicious that something is happening between us.' I sent him it and a few seconds later he looked at his phone and read it. He looked up at me and mouthed 'sorry'. We all grabbed our sleeping bags and pillows and went downstairs.

"Hey guys we have the sleeping bags that all zip together to make it one giant sleeping bag!" Robert yelled. He then started putting the sleeping bags all together. We talked for a hour and then we decided we would go to sleep. We all rearranged ourselves. It was Tyler Zach Robert me Austin( he insisted he had to be in the middle unless he wouldn't sleep) then Alex.

"Goodnight guys" Tyler said. We all said goodnight back. A few minutes went by and everyone was asleep. Except for me and Austin. We whispered so no one could hear us.

"Go to sleep beautiful you're gonna be tired tomorrow." Austin said.

"Okay good night sweet dreams" He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me.

"Wait I forgot" I looked at him and kissed his cheek. I said goodnight and rested my head on his chest. Perfect way to fall asleep.


In the morning I woke up first cause I really had to pee. I went inside to go to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands. When I got out of the bathroom Austin was outside the door.

"Good morning sunshine." He kissed my cheek.

"Good morning" I replied back. I then motioned him to go into the bathroom because he obviously had to pee. I went back outside. Everyone was starting to wake up.

"RISE AND SHINE BOYS!" I yelled at them which made them jump.

"Don't yell I'm tired!" Robert yelled at me. I ignored him and went inside to get cereal. I sat down at the counter while the boys went back to sleep. Halfway through my cereal Alex walked in. He grabbed some cereal and sat across from me.

"So you and Austin?" Alex winked at me.

"How did you know??" I asked him.

"Well a little bird took a picture of you and him holding hands."

"Ugh stupid Zach" I said taking another bite of my cereal.

"So what's gonna happen between you?" He asked me with his mouth full.

"Well nothing right now we are gonna take things slows and see what happens."

"Well good but if he breaks your heart you tell me I will beat him up even if he is my best friend, but don't break his heart either." We finished our cereal. The rest of the boys came inside.

"Hey guys I have to go back home but I'll text you guys later to see what we are going to do" I said to the guys who were currently eating cereal.

"I also have to go home my mom texted me saying she needs help with something" Austin said. We went upstairs to grab our stuff.

"Austin did your mom really tell you to go home?" I asked him.

"Um yea she did" he said not looking at me. I went up to him and lifted his chin with my finger so he would look at me.


"Fine she didn't tell me to come home I just wanted to walk home with you so I could hold your hand" He said shyly.

"Aww that's adorable" I said while I kissed him on the cheek. We grabbed our stuff and went downstairs to say goodbye then we headed out the door. Austin intertwined our fingers.

"Weird question but when can I kiss you on the lips?" He asked me he sounded embarrassed that he was asking me this.

"Well you'll just have to wait and see because trust me I will be the one who kisses you on the lips first" I said to him. He smiled at me. We kept talking until we reached my house. I opened my door and yelled.

"MOM IM HOME AUSTIN IS HERE" I then heard footsteps coming into the living room. I let go of Austin's hand because I didn't want my mom to quite know yet.

"Great your home I need you to clean your room because we are having guest coming over they are some people from work and they are going to stay in your room"

"Well where am I going to sleep?" I asked my mom.

"Well I thought since you're always sleeping over at one of the boys house it wouldn't be a problem, but if it is I'll rearrange another room for them" my mom asked me worriedly.

"No mom it's fine" I told her.

"Great well go get to it they are coming over in 5 hours. Austin can help you out" she asked me while walking back into the kitchen. Me and Austin went upstairs , and started cleaning my room. After a few hours (my room was messy) we finished cleaning. I packed my clothes for the night and went downstairs. The boys texted me earlier saying they couldn't hangout because their mothers wanted them to spend time with them. I didn't want to interrupt their family time so I was going to be spending the night at Austin's house. Wow coincidence I think so.

"Hey mom I'm leaving I'll see you tomorrow!" I yelled at her.

"Goodbye sweetie have fun!" She yelled back. We then started walking back to Austin's house. I was the one who intertwined our fingers this time. We walked the 5 minutes to Austin's house. We walked into his house and went to search for his mom. We found her in the kitchen.

"Hey mom Alexa is going to spend the night tonight." Austin told his mom.

"Okay that's fine with me but I'll be out for a few hours Aunt Lisa has a date tonight and she asked me to come over to help her get ready. I'll leave you guys money for pizza" Michelle told us.

"Okay that's cool see you later" Austin said. Michelle grabbed her keys and left us money for the pizza and then she left. We want upstairs to his room. I had to pee really badly so I went to the bathroom. When I came out and went into Austin'a room he was shirtless.

"Um why are you shirtless?" I asked him while staring at his abs. Wow Austin got fit.

"Oh I was drinking Gatorade and it spilled on me"

"Oh" was all I said because I then went up to him and kissed him on the lips.

"I wanted to wait longer before we kissed on the lips but I couldn't resist" I told him. He didn't reply because he kissed me back but this time longer. We moved to the bed and we continued kissing. I realized I was still wearing Zach's jacket I did get changed but I was still cold so I put his jacket back on. I started taking it off. Austin'a eyes bulged out.

"Don't worry I'm not ready either it's just getting in the way." I told him. I took it off and threw it on the ground. He then pushed me down on the bed and he got on top of me. He wasn't squishing me he was lifting himself up by his arms. He bent down so our noses were touching.

" I don't think friends do this" Austin said. I smiled at him then kissed him again. Did I mention he was still shirtless? While kissing him I was outlining his abs with my finger. We stopped kissing and we just stared at each other. He kissed my nose and said

"I'm hungry lets order that pizza" He got off me and put on a shirt.

"Aww man you look good without a shirt on." I told him.

"Well don't worry it's suppose to be hot tonight you might be lucky" He smirked at me and went downstairs to order the pizza. Man was I lucky to have a friend like this.




Well guys my creative juices are flowing so I may or may not upload a second time in the next few hours or tomorrow:) please comment vote😚

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