Part 19

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I woke up the next morning not wanting to go to school, plus my throat was hurting and Im pretty sure I have a cold. But it's the first day back to school after spring break so I can't miss it. I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast . My mom and I still haven't talked and I don't plan on talking to her for a while. I ate cereal for breakfast and went back upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag. I was going to walk to school with Robert. He texted me saying I was outside. I put on my shoes and an downstairs.

"Bye dad" I yelled while walking through the door. I saw Robert standing at the end of the driveway.

"What's up!" Robert greeted me.

"Hello sir" I replied back giving him a hug. We then started walking to school.

"So have you heard from Zach?" Robert asked me.

"No I fell asleep early yesterday. Why what's up?" I asked.

"Well his grandma isn't doing well and she was sent to the hospital it sounded like he was crying over the phone"

"Are you serious? Ugh I should've called him! He probably was crying cause him and his grandma are super close"

"Well lets hurry up to school so we can talk to him before first bell rings." We fast walked to school and entered the front doors. I walked to Zach's locker to see that he wasn't there. I sighed and got out my phone to call him.

'Hello' Zach said. I could tell he was crying because he was sniffing and his voice cracked.

'Zach where are you?' I asked.

'Oh um'

'Zach why didn't you tell me your grandma was in the hospital?'

'Cause I didn't want you to see me like this' Zach said his voice cracking again.

'Zach c'mon I'm your best friend' I replied.

'Yea I know but it's just I don't know I'm embarrassed' He said.

'Zach c'mon we are best friends you don't have to be embarrassed'

'I guess but ugh I feel like a wuss!' Zach said getting frustrated.

'You aren't a wuss you have all rights to be sad right now.' I said to him trying to comfort him.

'Can you come with me to the hospital today after school?' Zach asked me.

'Of course I will. I'll call you after school first bell is about to ring.' We said our goodbyes. Zach wasn't going to come to school since he was all sad. I told Robert what he said. First bell rang and we went to class. Good thing Austin was in my first period cause I needed someone to distract me from the long school day. I walked into class and sat at my usual seat. A few minutes went by and finally Austin walked in. He sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"'Hey babe what's up?" Austin asked me.

"Nothing much just a little sad because Zach's grandma is in the hospital and he was crying over the phone" I replied to Austin. Austin gave me a hug and said

"Hey don't worry she's gonna be okay and I bet once you see Zach he'll be okay too. When are you going to see him?"

"Today after school I'm going to the hospital with him" I replied.

"Well I'll drop you off"

"Thank Austin" I said giving him a kiss. Then the bell rang signaling the begging of class. Lets just hope school goes by fast.


It was now lunch and I needed 2 more classes left. I grabbed my lunch with Austin and we sat down with the crew. A few minutes into lunch my phone started ringing. I excused myself and left the cafeteria.

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