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Frank came back in and we left the hospital to go see Gerard.

"He's awake." Frank simple says. I get really excited and so happy.

"How's he doing."

"He could be better. He is going to make a full recovery."

"That's good. I just want him to be happy."

"I do to."

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the hospital and made our way to Gee's room. I knock a couple times then walked in.

"Gerard. I love you so much. Please. Please. Don't ever do that again. We care about you to much to see this happen again." I hugged him tightly.

"I love you to sis. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot"

"It's ok."

"Why do you have a ward bracelet on?"

"I was admitted a week ago. I'm okay though. I promise."

-2 weeks later-
Gerard and u are both out of the hospital. I moved in with Gerard so we could watch out for each other. Gerard said that the reason he drank so much wasn't because he was worried about me. Hearing what happen that night set him off.

It was your fault. Yeah so she's still here. I told you I wasn't going anywhere. Gerard noticed my weird silence and shook me from my thoughts.

"Wanna go get a coffee?" He asked.

"Sure." I faked a smile.
***********at the coffee shop********

Gerard and I ordered our drinks as I found a seat for us. It was a booth against a window. It was winter fall which meant Franks birthday was coming up. I have no clue what to get him. The door chimed and 3 sadly familiar girls walked in. Alex, Maria,and Catherine. They recognized Gee, but didn't care to bother him. Catherine quickly noticed me and made her way over.

"He emo." She said spilling her very hot coffee on me. I squealed in pain and Gerard ran over pushing them out of the way. My eyes began swelling up with tears.

"F**k off. Your pathetic." Gerard spat taking my hand and leading me to the car coffee in the other hand. I sat there crying. Not because of the coffee but because of the cuts the coffee got into. I started again when I got out of the hospital. Because Gerard's coma was my fault. The reason Frank would come home with bloody noses and bruises is my fault. I'm the reason Ray got detention with Frank and Mikey. They would be better off without me. The next stop I'm getting out of the car. Running away forever. Forever. Then I'll be gone. Not in this world. All I do is drag people down. It Began to rain.

The car came to a slow stop on a street that no one ever uses. I unlocked the door. Here I go. I look over at Gerard. He's to aware of me right now. I'll leave tonight. I lock the door again before the door warning goes off. We drive again.

I slump back into my seat looking at the rain hitting out car. I sigh on accident.

"It's okay. Things will get better" no they won't.

"No they don't. Not for me." I said quietly so he couldn't hear.

he pulled into our house and walked in. I walked right into my room not wanting to be bothered. I shut and locked my door and fell onto my bed. I fall asleep.

Soft knocks wake me up.

"Jay? Are you alright? I-it's Mikey." He's such an adorable little booger.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Then why don't you gone out of your room?" I smiled. Gaw he's a cutie pie. I walked to the door and opened it.


"Yes!" He smiled with all his teeth.

AAAAAAAA I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER IM SORRY! Hahwjsvenjahq. Anywhooooo I hoped you liked this chapter!!!!!
Keep running <3

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