The apartment

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Next day 1 hour till apartment tour!!

Franks POV

"Come on Jaaayy. Time to wake up!" I said slightly shaking her.

"Jaaaayy!!" She groaned rolling over. I climbed in wrapping my arms around her waist.

"FOB is outside. I wasn't suppose to tell you but I can't resist." She popped right up.

"Don't lie about FOB!" She said trying to make her way back into bed. I put my arm in front and pulled her into a hug.

"No you don't. You need to shower and get dressed. We are apartment
hunting today. Remember?"

"But I'm tired!" She whined.

"Awe I'm sorry love, but we leave in 2 hours and if you want McDonald's you have to go get ready now." I said giving her a quick kiss.

"Okay." She sulked as she grabbed a towel and went to shower. I do the same going into the guest bathroom.

I turn on the warm water and set up the speaker to play FOB. Sugar we're going down swinging quickly booms through the bathroom. I step in letting the warm water drip over. About 15 minutes later I step out and turn off the water.

"Are you decent?" I say knocking on the door.

"Yeah." She said unlocking the door. She was wearing me red flannel that went to her mid thighs. She quickly slipped on black skinny jeans and my jacket. I put on a Nirvana shirt with grey ripped skinny jeans and a black beanie to match the shirt. I put in he lip and nose ring.

"I need to re-dye my hair." I say fixing the 'Mohawk' faded hair. I decide to push the longer pieces to the side and let them dry. Jay had fishtailed her hair which went to her stomach now.

"I wanna dye my hair too. And pierce my nose."

"I pierce and dye my hair. I can do yours. Maybe we could stop and get the stuff after looking at the apartment?"

"Sure! Can we do it at Gees house I miss them." She sighed.

"Your gonna see them today!" I add hugging her. She's so tiny.

"Oh yeaaaahhh! What time are we meeting them?"
"We're gonna meet them to eat then we'll go to the place."

"YAY FOOD!" She said running towards the car. I laughed and ran after her saying bye to my parents.

We were soon at McDonald's. I walked around the car and opened the door for my emo princess.

"Thank you." She said giving me a quick kiss lifting my chin.

"No problem princess." She laughed taking my hand and walking in. Gerard Mikey and Ray were up at the counter ordering already. Jay let go of my hand jumping on Mikey's back and scaring him.

"Geez Jacky you scared me!" He said taking a deep breath and putting her down. They all took their turn hugging her. She came back over to me taking my hand once again and putting her head on my arm. I smiled and look down on her. I herd a camera go off and look up to see that Gerard took a picture of us.

"Awe how cute." He said showing it to us.

"Aweeee send that too me!" Jay said jumping up and down.

"Haha okay okay calm down!" Gerard giggled. We ordered and sat down.

Time skip to the apartment tour.

Jacky's POV:

We walked into the beautiful apartment complex to the 3rd floor room 201. It was so nice. You walked in and saw the TV room in front. If you walked in a little and turned right the kitchen area was there. On the left was a hallway with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The master bedroom,which was right down the hall, had its own bathroom. The first room was on the right and the bathroom and 2nd bedroom were on the left. In the TV area had a balcony with sliding glass doors.

"I love it." Frank says smiling ear too ear.

"I do too. It's wonderful. You could have a music room a bedroom and a storage room." I say looking around a little more.

"Or another bed room." Frank says turning me around.

"Yeah like a guest room."


"Wait. Are you thinking what I think your thinking." He shakes his head yes.

"It'll be awesome! We'll be together all the time! You don't have to say yes now though it is a big deal."

"I do want to be with you all the time. I'll sleep on it. Okay?"

"Yeah I won't be mad if you say no too. No matter what I'll always love you." He pulls me into a hug.

"I love you too Frankie."

Yay new chapter!! Idk what else to say... I have new book too called Madness. It's a Kellin Quinn fanfic! I have 2 chapters up and it's pretty interesting if I do say so myself. Anyway i hope your having a good week/weekend and you haven't murdered anyone. lol. OMG I have a major crush but my parents don't think I should date and really I'm not emotionally stable too. I'm just scared to get involved with someone still. Wow I'm boring and weird.
Keep running<3

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