Training (Revised)

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For the next week in the Capitol, we prepare for the arena. Our life has been turned into a mandatory routine that consists of sleeping, eating, and training. The sun goes down and our heads hit the pillows only to be torn from them a few hours later for the process to start again. It's a grueling eight hour day of workouts and the nightmares that come in the night are no better.

Over the past seven days it would have been impossible not to grow closer to Peeta. We spend what feels like twenty-four hours a day together, and we only part when it's time for bed. When you spend that much time with someone, you begin to see them in a different way. You watch them and you become familiar with their mannerisms. He scrunches his nose when he concentrates and runs his hands through his hair when he's nervous. Every time I find a new a thing about him that I like, I simply remind myself that he's my enemy. He's not my ally.

Even after I remind myself of that, he still somehow manages to make his way into my life. When my dad died in the mine explosion, I watched as my mother slowly drifted away from the world. I swore I would never fall in love or allow anyone into my life. I put up barriers around my heart and around myself, so that no one would have the ability to break me. I made it impossible to love someone, aside from Prim. But somehow Peeta has been able to break the barriers down and that scares me more than anything.

The butterflies are filling my stomach as I ride the elevator down to my private session. Peeta glances over at me and flashes a grin in my direction. I find it hard to swallow, maybe even breathe. And to make matters worse, today is the day I will be showing the Gamemakers my skills. They'll rate me on my ability to survive in their arena. If the glares from the Gamemakers doesn't kill you, then the anticipation of a good score will.

The other tributes are already sitting quietly in their seats waiting for their names to be called, when Peeta and I arrive. Haymitch said that we should make allies, but when I skimmed over the options I decided to stay on my own. There are the careers from districts 1,2,3,and 4. They train all their life for the opportunity to be in the arena, and they always win the games. The red head from district 6 is small and petite, but almost looks like a fox. I suppose the only tribute aside from Peeta, that I feel a connection to is Rue. She's a twelve year old from district 11 and her eyes are a dark brown that are filled with love. She reminds me of Prim and I guess that's why I like her so much. I find it sad that no one volunteered for the small girl.

Peeta whispers something to me, but I'm so far off in thought I don't understand his question. "What did you say?" I ask. The concern in his eyes almost breaks every barrier I've ever put up. Almost, but not quite.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little nervous that's all." I smile hoping that will reassure him.

"KATNISS EVERDEEN," the overhead intercom announces my name and I slowly get up.

I brush my clammy hands against my pants and swallow hard before opening the door.

"Katniss," Peeta's voice fills my head and I spin around to face him. "Shoot straight."

A soft, shy smile grazes my face as the door closes behind me.

The Gamemakers are all huddled around a stuffed pig when I walk in the room, and they don't look up when I clear my throat.

"Katniss Everdeen," I announce.

They turn their attention to me and I pick up the bow and arrows. I imagine myself in the forest with Gale, as I take a deep breath. The Gamemakers are gone, the world is quiet, and I'm surrounded by trees. I release the arrow and I miss the target by an inch. I can hear them laughing behind me, but I don't let it keep me from reloading my bow. Focus, Katniss. I think to myself.

The bow feels heavy in my hand and the arrow glides through my fingers as I pull back the string. I close my eyes and imagine my father standing next to me, telling me that I can do it. The arrow soars through the air and hits the target right on the bulls eye. But I wasn't aiming for the dummy in front of me, instead I went for something that would leave an impression. The head Gamemaker's hat is pinned to the wall, having been ripped from his head by my arrow.

Champagne glasses drop to the ground and broken glass fills the floor. I drop my bow and look them straight on. "Thank you." I say and leave the room without being dismissed.

When we gather around the TV after dinner to hear our training scores, Peeta slides onto the couch next to me. "Hey," he whispers in my ear.
I simply smile in his direction, trying in vain not to give in and show him my weak side. "You know, if we're going to be allies, we should have nicknames for each other." He smiles and then continues. "I could call you, Kat."

My face falters from the scowl I had across it. He can't actually think that we're going to be allies. "We're not allies." My words come across harsher than I had wanted them to and I immediately regret it. His smile falls and pain fills his blue eyes.

"Who's ready to find out their scores?" Effie asks excitedly and the tension in the room disappears as my comment is forgotten. . .for now at least.

Caesar Flickerman's smiling face fills the screen and his bright teeth almost blind us. As he reveals the scores by districts, guilt racks my body as I think about Peeta. He looked like a wounded puppy when I reacted to his idea. I turn to look at him, but quickly swallow my words before I can say anything.

"Peeta Mellark from District twelve with a score of eight." He announces and the room fills with cheering as everyone hugs him, but I stay seated.

"Our last tribute is Katniss Everdeen and she landed a score of eleven!" He says excitedly and Effie squeaks while embracing me.

"Nice job, Sweetheart." Haymitch lifts his drink to me and smirks before gulping down the liquor.

I can see Peeta from across the room staring out the window and he doesn't turn around to face me when he speaks. "Congratulations, Katniss, looks like we'll finally have someone that can win this." He drops his head before leaving the room.

"What's wrong with, Peeta?" Effie's voice fills my ears and I turn towards the door.

I broke him.

I think to myself before leaving the room.

A.N. What's up guys!! So when I rewrote this chapter I laughed at my authors note I had down here. It said that this was the longest chapter I had ever written and it's funny BC the second book is literally twice as long. Anyways hope you guys liked it!!

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