The Threat (Revised)

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The day of the interview comes sooner than I would like, but I still pull myself out of the bed. Although, nothing could be worse than yesterday. All tributes have one day to prepare for their interview with Caesar Flickerman, and while this might be an easy task for some people, it was practically impossible for me. Haymitch spent hours trying to show me how to be bubbly, adorable, sweet, and funny. But nothing seemed to change my dull personality. In Haymitch's words, "I have the charm of a slug."

Effie was in charge of making me the lady every girl dreams of being. I wore five inch heels and attempted to walk in them, but of course I fell. However, Effie said that my posture improved and at least I would sit up straight. In District twelve, having a personality was never at the top of my to-do list. Surviving was all my mind worried about. I didn't need to know how to walk in heels in order to trade food for my sister. All I needed was a bow, but that can't help me now.

Cinna and my prep-team dress me in a red, silky dress that drags the ground behind me. Sequins cover my right shoulder while my left one is bare. The silk brushes against my skin and the softness sends a chill up my spine.

"Katniss, go ahead and spin." Cinna says to me and motions to twirl.

My dress comes alive beneath me as I spin in a circle. The red and orange flames engulf me and for a split second I think I'll burn, but then the fire turns to smoke. I'm the girl on fire. "It's beautiful," I whisper to Cinna and he smiles softly at me.

I make my way towards the elevator and I smile when I catch a glimpse of Peeta.

"Oh no." Cinna says quietly and I turn confused to look at him.

"Miss. Everdeen, it's a pleasure to meet you." I can feel the cold breath from the man behind me and I shiver as it hits my skin. Cinna pleads with his eyes for me to stay calm.

Slowly I turn around to face the man and I'm met with the cold face of our great President Snow. The stench of blood and roses is beginning to fill the room and Snow smiles at my discomfort. He take the rose from his lapel and his clammy hand brushes against mine as he hands it to me.

"Thank you." I manage to choke out.

"Katniss, can I call you that?" He asks and I nod my head slowly. "Would you come with me, dear?"

No. I think to myself, but I smile softly and respond. "Of course."

As I leave the hall with Snow,  I can hear Peeta whispering with Cinna and begging him to help me. But I don't need help. I'm fine on my own. . without Peeta. The walk is long and when we finally reach a small room, there is only one chair. "Take a seat, Miss Everdeen." His devilish smile is revolting enough to make me gag.

"Why am I here?" I ask and inwardly kick myself for saying something so dangerous.

"You certainly get right to the point don't you?" He asks and I scowl.

"I've never liked small talk."

"Well, then I guess I'll tell you why I brought you here." He walks around my chair and slowly dabs at his mouth with a handkerchief. "Do you know how fragile our system is?"

"No, I don't."

"Its so fragile that a girl volunteering for her sister can cause a rebellion." He pauses. "Mrs. Everdeen, you have given these people hope."

"That wasn't my intention." I reply.

"Maybe not, but I still need you to fix what you've started."

"How do you expect me to do that?" I ask.

He smiles at me and comes so close I can feel his breath. "You can't come out of the arena."

"You want me to die." I say slowly, realizing what he means.

"Yes, and if you're lucky you'll die at the beginning."

"What happens if I say no?" I ask.

"Someone in your family will suffer." He opens the door. "I expect you to hold up your side of the deal."

So many things are swirling through my mind, but I stand while nodding my head before leaving. "Oh, and Mrs. Everdeen," I turn to face him. "Let's keep this between the two of us. Don't mention this to Mr. Mellark."

I want to strangle the man, I want to watch him suffer the same way we all have, but instead I merely smile and nod my head. "Of course."

My feet begin to ache as I make my way back to the elevator.

"You can't come out of the arena."

The President's voice continues to ring in my ear and I chew my perfectly manicured thumbnail as I grow nervous. The elevator dings and I quickly make my way off, before bumping into the chest of a man. I look up slowly only to be met with the soft, blue eyes of Peeta. His face is filled with worry as he looks me over and I resist the urge to squirm under his gaze.

His hand grips my arm softly. "Are you okay?"

I step back and let his hand fall from my arm. "Yeah, I'm fine." I look around at the tributes slowly lining up. "We should probably go."

I watch backstage as Caesar Flickerman walks out on the stage drenched in blue. His hair, his clothes, even his eyebrows are covered in the color. One by one he calls our names to come on the stage, and after a while it's only Peeta and I left.

"Katniss Everdeen from district twelve!" The crowd cheers and screams as I walk onto the stage. Lights blind me and the colors of the crowd cause me to sway.

My name wasn't chosen from the bowl, but I volunteered to save the only person in the world that I love. My life wasn't stolen from me the way Peeta's or Rue's was. I chose to put myself in this position. But, as my feet walk towards Caesar, I wonder if maybe I will have a chance to see the woods at home again. Can I survive this, or will I die trying?

A.N. Yayy! We are finally here. This is probably my favorite part of the book. Now I did split it into two different chapters only because I felt it needed to be done. Will Katniss die in the arena to save Prim, or will she survive to live out her life? You'll just have to wait and see. Adios Amigos!!

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