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Ash’s POV:

We made our way downstairs, I thought about all the things we could do together in her house, like sit on a comfy couch by a fireplace and watch a movie…even though I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the movie. I laughed to myself.

We ended up at the front door; I let her go and stood behind her sort of hiding just in case I had to make a mad-dash to get away. She turned on the outdoor light; I hadn’t even realized that it had gotten sorta dark outside. We had been up in her room for a long time.

“Ash…?” She said with a very worried voice, after she had opened the door. I quickly went to her side. Her voice sent frustration and anger through me; I wanted to know the reason that made her feel like that.

“What is it?” I asked looking out and then back at her. She pointed down. I saw a letter sitting on her front porch, with her name on the front and next to it a dead rabbit. What the hell was this? She put herself closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, but that’s just awful. Who would do something like kill an innocent little rabbit?” she said with the frustration shooting out in her words like daggers.

“Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll get rid of it. You stay right here.” She nodded and slowly released me. I took the rabbit by the tail carefully and went to the side of the house to throw it out. Once I had disposed of the dead animal, I looked around to see if the person who had left that sick thing there was still here. I saw nothing expect a shadow that resembled a dog or something. It quickly ran away right when I looked over at it.

I walked back to the house using the side porch and walked into the door. Jasmin screamed lightly while holding the end of the door.

“Shit, you scared me.” She said breathing heavily. I walked up to her and quickly wrapped my arms around her.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s just me.”

She laughed lightly, “Well, I wouldn’t let just anyone put their arms around me like this.” I pulled away from her to look at her face.

“Good to know.” She laughed and went on her tiptoes and lightly kissed me.

“Thank-you.” She said to me looking down. I held her chin and made her look up and kissed her tenderly. I could feel her shiver because of it, I smiled on her lips.

“What about the letter.” She said pulling away looking at the letter on the doorstep with the door still open. I let her go slowly and picked it up. It had her name written on top with handwriting done in ink. My heart sped up thinking about who it could be from.

Shay’s POV:

I had followed them home, and now I knew where she lived. She asked Ash to go in the house with her. I wanted to take her from him right then and there while he was getting out of the car and make him suffer, but that would be too easy. I wanted them both to be in pain.  A few hours later, I came back and saw that Ash was still there. Why the hell was he still there? Oh whatever, I'm gonna continue what I was going to do no matter if he’s there or not. I went into the woods behind her house and picked out the first animal I could. It ended up being a rabbit. Perfect I thought to myself, a cute little rabbit that got hurt. I took it by the neck and snapped it. I took out the letter I had prepared for her and put them both by her doorstep, rang it and ran out. By the time I was in the back I could hear her freak out and Ash trying to comfort her. I was in wolf form so I could hear everything perfectly. Ash came out un-expectantly and before he could see me, I ran off. I would find out what was going on later. Whatever I planned to do was done, that’s all that mattered.

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