i'll be standing right next to youuu...

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This song is "Next to You" by Chris Brown ft. Justin Beiber. You can go check out the original but i like the one by one of my favourite youtube singer Conor Maynard, so check him out Hes reallly good :) hehe

and yeah that song is kinda the theme for this chapppy or soo. :P <3 lots of love to those who are reading but i would realllllllllllllly appreciate a comment..PLEASE. i just want some feedback...:/


“She has to forget everything about the wolves.” I interrupted. He nodded, “She has to forget about me…” I looked at him, he was all blurry from the tears. I quickly wiped my face with my hands and got up.

“I’m going to go spend some time with her before I have to leave…I’ll come back to you in a little while and get all the details so we will get it done.” And with that I left out of his office that didn’t seem so pleasant anymore. 

I'll be standing right next to youu....

Mac left awhile ago crying  and saying she would come back later on. I just sat there holding Jasmin’s hand in my own, talking to her.

“I really miss you babe, and I know everything is gonna be okay, you’re gonna be alright. But you see theres a slight change…um, once you wake up, you’re not gonna remember me or any of the wolves or anything we did together…” I attempted to continue but I broke down and just sat there attempting to talk to my angel. Finally I had some control over myself, “Its gonna be alright, I’ll always love you no matter whether you remember or not and maybe one day when everything is okay, we’ll find eachother and continue from right where we left off…right?” I looked at her motionless face and her body that just lay there not moving except for her chest rising and falling everytime she breathed.

“Right Jas? Everything is gonna be okay right…? Answer me…please…”

And at that moment it felt like I didn’t have anything to live for anymore and it seemed as if my world was just crashing down on me.

I gently moved Jasmin over and layed down on the little hospital bed with her. I pulled her closer-as close as I could. Even though she wasn’t here with me, I could still feel the tingly sensation that happened everytime her bare skin touched me. I sighed finally feeling somewhat at peace. I stroked her hair just hugged her, memorizing her smell and her soft hair. The way her skin was super smooth no matter what and how her body fit into mine perfectly. She was the missing puzzle piece that was born to fit into me and now I was loosing her.

I started stroking her hair and softly singing, “One day when the sky is falling, I’ll be standing right next to you. Nothing will ever come between us; I’ll be standing right next to you…right next to you.” And the tears started and once again, I cried myself to sleep holding the love of my life in my arms.

Jasmin’s POV:

I’m lying in the most beautiful meadow I have ever seen. I look up to a beautiful light blue sky with random little clouds that change into different shapes. I don’t know how much time has passed but when I get up the sun is close to setting. I can hear water off in a place not so far away so I happily skip to where it’s coming from. I go through the beautiful trees to a water fall, and I follow the direction of water without thinking. It’s like my body is moving on its own. I come up to a clearing where the water turns into more of a lake kind of thing and nearby there’s somebody sitting there. I don’t know who he is or how he got there but I’m highly intrigued by him. He seems like he’s crying and I can see the muscles in his back move. The setting sun gleams over his dark hair making it look light brown like mine. The wind moves and I pick up his smell. He smells wonderful-but I can’t remember who he is. I slowly start making my way to him and before I can say anything, he turns to me and looks at me with the most beautiful hazel eyes that I have ever seen. They have green flecks in them and it seems as if I’m in a trance just looking at them. He slowly walks up to me and gently places his hands on my shoulders as if he’s scared I’m going to break. I try to say anything but I can’t no matter how hard I try.

“Jasmin…?” He talks, I look down to his full lips where the deep seductive words are coming from that I want to kiss so badly. He’s taller than me and honestly looks like a Greek god. But I still don’t understand why he’s here.

“Yeah?” My voice comes out in the weak way I hoped it hadn’t.

“I want you to remember that I will always love you no matter what, and even though things will be completely different when you come back, I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you. Just don’t forget about me okay?”

I nod letting tears fall from my eyes, I hadn’t even known I was crying. I didn’t know who this guy was but what he said brought tears to my eyes and made my heart feel like it was breaking.

“But w-why are-e you g-going?” I asked as he rubs the tears off of my face.

“Because I have to…” He whispers.  I shake my head and put my arms around his waist.

“I’ll always love you Jasmin.” He whispers in my ear, his hot breath making me weak at the knees. I nod and he pulls away from me to look at me. He gently cups my face in his hands and lowers his head to mine, and my eyes automatically flutter closed.

I thought his touch was the most amazing thing I had felt, but this was much better. It felt like fireworks, the way his lips moved perfectly with mine. I brought my hands around his neck holding his hair, he moans in my mouth. He licks my bottom lip gently nipping it, I open for him and his taste explodes in my mouth as he explores my mouth and me his. We pull apart both breathing hard and another tear escapes because inside I can feel that he will be leaving soon. He lifts me up into his arms and carries me into the meadow where the sun is setting and lies me down next to him. I put my head on his chest and relax breathing in his scent. He smells woodsy and citrus. He gently strokes my face with his fingers; over my eyes and nose and lips. He bends down and places a light kiss on my lips. And then he softly starts singing, his voice making the words sound even more beautiful sending good goosebumps all over me.

You’ve got that smile,

That only heaven can make.

I pray to God everyday,

That you keep that smile.

Yeah, you are my dream,

There’s not a thing I won’t do.

I’ll give my life up for you,

Cos you are my dream.

And baby, everything that I have is yours,

You will never go cold or hungry.

I’ll be there when you’re insecure,

Let you know that you’re always lovely.

Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is falling,

I’ll be standing right next to you,

Right next to you.

Nothing will ever come between us,

I’ll be standing right next to you,

Right next to you.”

And soon enough I feel myself falling asleep in the arms of someone who meant more to me than I knew. And for the first time in the while I have been in this “paradise” of mine, I didn’t dream of the scary grey wolves…

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