4: ella rose

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wednesday ¬ january 27, 2016

Pull down your hood already, Shawn pleaded in his head as his eyes glared at the mystery standing in front of the class. It has yet to be confirmed that the person in the black hoodie was the long-awaited Ella Rose. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, just waiting for the rumour to finally be established as true.

"You heard Miss Bennet...take off your hood and go take a seat!" Mr. Angelo scolded with a hint of playfulness in his tone, and Mr. Angelo only joked around with the students he has known for a long time.

The person laughed, a laugh that was too familiar to Shawn's ears; the first time he heard it, he fell in love, and because he fell in love, he got hurt. He went from wanting to hear the familiar laughter every single day, to not wanting to hear it ever again.

All eyes went wide, and no one was able to utter anything as the familiar face of Ella Rose was revealed when she pulled down the hood that was over her head. The rumours were true, and Shawn, all of a sudden, realized that he wished it wouldn't be.

Because in his mind, Ella Rose was nothing more but a segment of his scenarios, and seeing her right in front of his eyes—the girl that destructed his life; the girl that broke his heart so bad that, even a year later, it wasn't the same; the girl who left him, explaining her fleeing with a piece of paper—just made him realize that he absolutely hated Ella Rose.

Every single bit of her.

He didn't fall in love with her the way he fell asleep; instead, he hated her. Slowly, then suddenly, all at once.

"Ella!" Alice, who was in Shawn's Physics class, was the first one to scream and bounce out of her seat, running up to Ella and engulfing her into a tight hug. Alice wasn't mad at her best friend; she was at first, but not anymore.

The both of them whispered things to each other before pulling away, huge grins on both of their faces, and Alice even shedding a few steady tears. Alice returned to her seat at the back and motioned to the empty seat in front of her—in front of Alice, but behind Shawn. And even though it wasn't the best decision for a seat, considering the conflict between the two, but it was the only one left.

"Ella, it's nice to see you again!"

"Hi, Ella!"

"Where'd you go, anyways?"

Ella heard a variety of greetings from everyone as she ambled to the desk Alice wanted her to sit at.

"Ella Rose, hottsie, how are you doing, babe? You're looking fine!" One of Ella's gay friends, Ben, exclaimed, eyeing her up and down and letting out an admiration sigh. "I'll talk to you later, okay hottsie?" Ella laughed and nodded, blowing a playful kiss at him (something they did as a joke), and he did the same to her.

Then Ella looked beside Ben, where Shawn was seated (she was passing the space between the two). The smile on her face subverted for a brief second before a small one appeared, and she slightly waved, but Shawn sent her a look. It wasn't a glare, he wasn't frowning, but his eyes held fury, and that was enough. Ella's smile dropped and she looked down at her feet and sat down at her seat, taking a brisk glance at Shawn before dropping her head down officially, eyes at the wooden desk.

She was aware with the fact that Shawn's wasn't going to forgive her easily; what she did to him was heinous, and was an act that is unforgivable. But she was expecting at least even a speck of happiness in his anger-filled brown eyes—a clarification that he still cared for her at least a tiny bit—but he didn't even have that.


ella is played by olivia cooke!

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