14: louis

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monday ¬ february 14, 2016

"Alice!" Shawn bellowed from the end of the hallway, spotting the girl with big hair in front of her locker, taking books out. It was only the two who were around, since it was lunchtime, and everybody went to the cafeteria as fast as their legs could go. But Shawn was persistent on finding Alice during his lunch break. He had a little secret he needed to tell.

"Oh," Alice remarked when Shawn reached her, breathless from running around the school, and a desperate look on his face. "Hi, Shawn. What do you need?"

"Ella," is what he said, making Alice tense up.

"What about Ella?" She was getting nervous.

"Guess what I found out about her," Shawn began, yesterday's conversation with Ella replaying in his head.

Alice's eyes widened, and she dropped the textbook she held in her hand, the sound of the book impacting with the ground echoing throughout the empty halls. "What did you find about her?"

"She never moved. She told me that. She said that she just moved houses and moved schools and made us believe that she moved completely! She sold her house, and hid the FOR SALE sign whenever I came over to visit—which is probably what she did with you, too!" He ranted, expecting to see anger in Alice's brown eyes, but there was none of that. Instead, she looked unfazed (but a little relieved), and she only blinked and looked back at her locker, avoiding eye contact.


"Oh?" Shawn mimicked with a scoff, grabbing Alice's upper arm and spinning her so she was facing him. "That's all you have to say? Aren't you mad at Ella? She ditched the both of us with no goodbye, making us assume that she left for good to another country, when really—she was here all along! Aren't you affected by that?" He raised his volume.

Alice snapped out of whatever she was in, blinking some more. "Hm?" She hummed, and then she realized what situation she was in. She scowled forcefully and nodded at Shawn's statement. "Yes! Yes, I am mad at Ella...I guess. I will, uh, talk to her about that. Thanks for telling me that information."

Persistent on getting out of the conversation, Alice bent down and quickly got her textbook from the ground before shutting her locker closed. She smiled one last time at Shawn before attempting to walk past him, but he had grabbed her before she could escape.

"What's wrong with you?" He snarled, noticing the terrible acting Alice all-of-a-sudden started. "Why do you look like you already knew that Ella never moved?"

Alice bit her lip and looked away, face feeling hot. She cursed herself, for being terrible at acting the moment she needed her skills the most. "I..." she trailed off and then looked at Shawn again, and his eyes slowly widened when he realized it. "Shawn," she tried to say, but he interrupted her.

"Oh my god!" He exclaimed. "You knew that she didn't move, didn't you?"


"Didn't you?" He shouted, making her flinch back.

Alice sighed, cursing internally even more. "Shawn, she didn't want me to tell you—so I didn't really have a choice."

"You had a fucking— When did she tell you about this?" His face was red, and his eyes brimmed with tears.

"I knew from the start," Alice confessed. "Acting...you gotta love it, right?"

Shawn turned away from the girl in front of him, running his hand down his face, subtly wiping away the tear that had started to fall.

He didn't know why he was crying in the first place. He shouldn't even care about Ella or anything that related with her. Shouldn't—but he did, anyways.

"Did she, um...Did Ella tell you about Louis, too?" Alice began tentatively, her voice quiet. Shawn tensed up at the sound of Ella's name in the same sentence as another guy's name. He turned quickly to Alice.

"Who the fuck is Louis?" He gritted his teeth.

Alice's eyes bulged slightly, her mouth opening to speak, but closing quickly afterwards. She had to think about what she said next. "That's not my secret to share. I'm sorry." And she walked away, and Shawn didn't stop her.

"Shawn!" Another girl voice sung after Alice was gone, a familiar voice, making Shawn internally groan. He wiped his eyes again before turning towards Dakota, who was skipping towards him with a huge grin on her face. "Shawn, you're coming to my birthday party, right? February twenty-sixth? I invited you, right?"

You invited everybody, Shawn thought, but replied with: "Yeah, you did. And sure, I guess I'll come."

"Good. You better. It's my eighteenth birthday!" Dakota stated, like she did whenever she was inviting a new batch of teens to come to her birthday party. Shawn forced a fake smile as she left, turning the hallway and disappearing.

Then he was alone again, with his thoughts about Ella Rose and a guy named Louis. He had a hypothesis on why Ella left him in the first place, but he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it.

He didn't want to think that Ella had cheated on him with someone else.



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