9: another man

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i posted a new book called Wonderwall so please read it!


sunday ¬ february 7, 2016

Shawn exhaled in slight annoyance, settling his head back on the car seat, eyes fixated on the entrance of the Menchies building. He looked at the clock on his stereo: it was 5:05 p.m.—five minutes since he texted Aaliyah to hurry up and conclude the outing with her friends. He could have been at home, but a phone call from his mom asking for a favour prevented him from doing his load of homework.

But then again, it wasn't really a favour if it was forced upon him. "Pick her up, or you're grounded. Love you!" The seriousness of his mom's voice still rung in his head, and in the moment he drove to Menchies, he thought, Kids...never ever having them.

TO Liyah:

He informed his little sister once again, hoping that her small body would soon trudge out the glass doors of the Menchies building. Finally, as he had hoped, the doors opened, but it wasn't Aaliyah who walked out like Shawn desired it would be; it was Ella Rose, a boy following behind her closely.

Shawn groaned, irked. It seemed like everywhere he went, he was haunted by the thought of Ella or Ella herself, in skin and bones. He preferred neither.

What confused Shawn even more (and angered him...just a little bit) was when Ella and mystery boy stopped in front of his car, the boy annoyingly close to Ella's body and holding her hips, staring into her eyes. Neither of them was aware that Shawn was right beside them, sheltered in his vehicle but could hear their conversation.

"I had fun with you today." The boy said and grinned.

Ella laughed, glancing towards the Menchies building before looking back into Jonah's eyes. "Seriously, Jonah? You're doing this here?"

"We live with each other, Ella! It's going to be weird if I do it when we go home, right?" Jonah pointed out and Shawn's jaw clenched at what Jonah said: 'We live with each other.' And despite the disgust that bubbled up in his gut, Shawn kept his eyes on the two and listened keenly anyways.

"Fine, fine, I'll allow it," Ella sighed, "But remember what you promised?"

"I promised something?"


"Ella, baby," Jonah tittered, the malice laced in his voice hidden. He then hardened his face, his fingers clawing onto the skin of Ella. "No." Jonah pulled Ella's body closer to his, until her chest was against his own, and leaned down quickly, closing the gap between their faces and pressing his lips onto hers.

Shawn firmed his lips together, looking down and taking his phone out of the cup holder he had placed it in. Not ever daring to take a simple glance up, he quickly tapped on the Messages app and proceeded to text Aaliyah.

TO Liyah:
Aaliyah, get your butt out of there NOW!

TO Liyah:
If you're not here in thirty seconds, I'm forcing mom to ground you.

Outside of Shawn's car, right in front of it, Ella's eyes bulged wide open at the contact of Jonah's lips on hers. Quickly, she rested her hands on Jonah's chest and pushed him away, her palm stinging once her hand impacted on Jonah's cheek harshly.

"You promised, you asshole!" Ella exclaimed, but quietly, taking into consideration that she had seen Aaliyah and her friends inside Menchies—as well as other children.

Jonah let out a chuckle and touched his cheek, facing Ella angrily, "And you can walk home." He spat and continued to his car, leaving Ella alone. She rolled her eyes and wiped her lips, shaking her head slowly as she started to saunter away from Menchies.


Shawn jumped and looked to his right, where Aaliyah was giggling through the car window. 'Get in.' Shawn mouthed and Aaliyah nodded, skipping to the other side of the car, opening the passenger door and settling on the seat.

Aaliyah buckled up and turned to Shawn excitedly, "I saw Ella-"

"I know you did,"

"She's with-"

"I know she's with another guy,"

Aaliyah pursed her lip and watched as her older brother scanned the area, his eyes landing on the car beside him, which was just leaving. He assumed Ella and Jonah were both in there, most probably holding hands like he used to do with Ella when she was his.

Ella Rose was breaking his heart once again, and she wasn't even trying.

"She's even prettier now...like, very pretty." Aaliyah added tentatively. Shawn glanced at his little sister briefly and nodded, reversing out of the mini parking lot.

"I know she is."



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