Chapter 1: Too Real

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"My children... from the very beginning, it was the children that gave me my power." The TV boomed. "The Springwood Slasher, that's what they called me..." The girl echoed with the TV. "Dammit Kali turn your fucking TV down I'm trying to sleep!" Trudy, Kali's older step sister, yelled angrily from the next room.

Kali sat up in bed, her shoulder length brown hair fell into her eyes as she glared at the wall and flipped it off with her un-bladed metal glove. She made the glove in her welding class, it was her own custom Freddy glove. All she needed was to weld the blades on to finish it, but she couldn't do it at school since it would be considered a weapon.

Her pale skin glowed in the light of the TV as she lazily got out of bed. She pulled a pair of headphones off her nightstand and plugged them into the TV before plopping back into bed. Putting on her headphones she unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor. She now sat on the bed in just her underwear and laid down pulling the sheets over her. Her eyes refused to stay open halfway through the movie and she let her headphones fall to the floor clicking off the TV with the remote. Rolling over in bed she took her metal glove off and set it in the windowsill next to her bed and let sleep take over.

Kali opened her eyes and sat up in bed, she knew she was dreaming. As her feet touched the floor she concentrated and her clothes materialized onto her. Taking a step away from the bed her room morphed into an old boiler room that was barely lit by the unknown glow coming from below the catwalk. Looking around she raised an eyebrow and looked down to her scarred right hand making a Freddy glove appear. She always preferred to hide her scars with gloves, arm warmers, or long sleeves.

When she was ten her and Trudy had been arguing in the back yard near the fire pit and ended in her getting shoved into the fire. She had caught herself on her right hand right before her face met with the flames burning her arm up to the elbow. There were many other scars on that hand as well, she was fourteen when her step dad died and became a cutter. She didn't do it nearly as much as she used to, only on the really bad days.

Flexing her fingers in the glove it made a satisfying clink of metal. She jumped when she heard deep laughter coming from behind her. Turning around she came face to face with a man that was badly burned wearing a dark red and green sweater with a dirty brown fedora hat on his bald burned head, Freddy Krueger. He had a smirk on his face. "Hello little piggy."

Kali looked him up and down completely unafraid and put her bladed hand on her hip. "That's not funny Angela." His voice changed to a light girl's voice. "Ah, come on I couldn't resist." He morphed into a girl a bit taller than Kali with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes wearing happy bunny pajamas. "How did you know it was me?" She smiled sweetly.

"Who else would it be?" Kali said looking rather unamused.

"I could have really been Freddy, and you would be dead by now." She joked.

"If only..." Kali sighed.

"Ok miss suicidal..." Angela eyed her friend confused.

"You know I didn't mean the dying part!" Kali corrected herself.

"I know, I know, you weirdo... Freddy lover!" Angela teased.

"You're gross. You know I don't like him like that!" Kali pointed one of her blades at her.

"Oh come on it's not like you haven't thought about it before!" Angela teased.

"No... not that much..." Kali admitted.

"Ha! I knew it!" She laughed.

"Yeah yeah, so what do you want?" Kali asked becoming impatient.

"I don't know just wanted to see if I could pull you in without you knowing about it before hand. And it worked!" Angela gloated.

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