Chapter 24: Home

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Freddy glanced over at Sam as she eyed him up and down. The elevator seemed to be moving rather slow.

"So where is Kali?" She asked curiously.

"She's in my world but she'll be unconscious in there for a day or two then she'll be trapped there for a few days until her body readjusts to everything." He explained and she nodded. Touching the cool metal wall of the elevator he could sense the people waiting impatiently up above for it to arrive and take them down check on the lower levels. They knew that something was going on but they weren't entirely sure what. All they had to go off of was the camera feed that they had seen from Kali's padded cell.

"Stay behind me." He instructed and stood in front of the doors as the elevator came to a stop. Sam did as he said and watched the doors intently over Kali's shoulder.

The doors opened revealing five rather impatient looking doctors standing tall in their long white lab coats. When their eyes set on Kali's body wearing a form of Freddy's sweater with his bloodied blades on her hand they all took a step back. One of them couldn't take his eyes off of Sam.

"Sam?" One of them asked and Freddy averted his attention to him. He recognized him instantly.

"Jimmy..." He rasped making everyone jump especially the one he was addressing. "... don't you remember me?" He laughed and the five of them let out a sigh of fear before they were thrown back by an invisible force. There was a thick glass wall behind them that stopped them. They all slid to the ground and scrambled to their feet. They stepped out of the elevator letting it close behind them leaving the doctors only one exit. One of them pulled out a large knife and another had a small hand gun. The other three looked to them realizing that they had nothing to defend themselves with and backed away letting the two go forward.

"How did you get in here?!" The one with a gun demanded eyeing Freddy's blades nervously as he shakily held the gun at him. Freddy looked to him with his glowing eyes.

"It was you wasn't it?" Jimmy accused pointing at Sam from the corner.

"I helped." She said proudly.

"He's taken control of Kali." The one holding the knife said. "I told you we shouldn't have kept her here!"

"Shut up Rick this isn't the time or to place to go on about your insane theories." One of the other doctors in the corner replied coldly. Freddy watched them argue and listened to their thoughts.

"Well he was obviously right. Look at where we are now." Jimmy defended him.

"We're all going to die..." The scientist cowering next to Jimmy cried.

"No we're not!" The doctor holding the gun cried as his hands began to shake more.

"He's right you know..." Freddy rasped his voice sending more waves of fear through each of them.

"Well too bad you took over a weak mortal body instead of staying in your own." The gun wielder threatened and straightened out his hands.

Sam hid behind her father and there was the piercing sound of a gunshot. Looking down at herself she found nothing, but there was a low growl coming from her father.

The asshole with the gun had shot Kali right in the chest. Freddy sliced the man's hand off making the scientist holding the knife drop his weapon and retreat to the corner with his friends. He threw the handless doctor to the ground and held him there with Kali's bare foot on his throat. The man screamed in agony over his lost hand.

"So long as I'm with her..." He glared down at him. "She is just as immortal as I am." He growled running a hand over Kali's fresh wound making it disappear instantly. Putting more pressure on his neck there was a cracking sound and the man's cries ceased making his friends dead silent as they watched their fallen friend's soul float into Freddy.

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