Chapter 13: Party Time

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The last two days of school for the seniors were half days and they passed rather quickly only consisting of yearbook passing around and giving out awards and having little pot lucks in each class. Kali stayed over at Wesley's both nights with her mother thinking that she was studying and getting things ready for graduation with Angela.

Angela discovered that you can still dream and pull others in with you when you're on Hypnocil. At least now they knew why the people of Groveburg had no idea that they were secretly being given Hypnocil.

Freddy had only demanded one person the past two nights and left Kali alone to dream whatever she pleased. He was only violent with her when he had read her mind about where she was staying the past few days and slammed her into a wall of hot pipes burning her back.

It was the morning before their graduation and she was sprawled out on her stomach across Wesley's bed as he treated her burns and put fresh ointment on her back.

"So are you going to the party after graduation with us?" Wesley asked as he gently pulled her shirt down. Kali sat up and gave him a glare. "I know you're paranoid that something is going to happened but you said yourself he hasn't been that bad lately. It'll be fine Kali. You need to have a normal night out."

"I know, I know, but what if he's planning something. There has to be a reason he's been acting like this." Kali sat at the edge of the bed and stretched as she put her shoes on.

"What if he's realized he just needs to be nicer to you to get what he wants?" Wesley suggested.

"I wish it were that simple. But you don't know him. He's manipulative and always gets his way no matter what. I know he's got to be planning something." Kali argued.

"Ok so say he is planning something. He can't do anything until you fall asleep again. So just don't fall asleep until after the party ok? It's going to be fine." Wesley tried to reassure her as he pulled her into his lap.

"Alright I'll go. But if anything happens..." Kali warned.

"Nothing will happen. And if it does you'll have me, Ang, Andy, and Jeremy there with you ok?" He kissed her on the forehead and she stood from his lap.

"Ok." She smiled back at him. "I'd better get home. Only have a few hours until graduation. I can't believe you let me sleep in so late." She whined and he winked at her.

"You were sleeping pretty peacefully so I figured I'd let you sleep." He picked up her bag and flung it over his shoulder. She rolled her eyes at him and he walked her out to her car and watched her drive off.

When she got home it was about one in the afternoon and Paige was sitting on the couch watching a re-run of America's Funniest Home Videos.

"Hey sis." Paige greeted her and smiled. "Are you hungry by any chance? There is nothing here to eat. Mom hasn't gone shopping since we're leaving tomorrow night. If you drive I'll pay. Kind of like a sisterly graduation lunch thing." She smiled at her rubbing her stomach.

"That sounds great! I'm starving. All there is left at Wes's is junk food. How about Macaroni Grill?" Kali suggested and Paige nodded happily.

They talked all through their meal. Kali told Paige about all the mysterious deaths that were happening at her school. Paige drilled her for details about her and Wesley and she finally caved and told her most of everything that had been going on between them. Paige complained about the lack of competent co-workers at her work which she referred to as 'sandwich hell'.

"Seriously you have no idea how much I can't wait to work with you. It's honestly the easiest job in the world but it's so horrible when you work with zombie, pot head, retards." Paige explained twirling her fork in her pasta.

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