Chapter 3: Very Bad Day

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Kali bolted awake at the sound of the bell but didn't want to move. The pain still lingered in her head. She groaned as Wesley nudged her arm. "Are you ok?" She looked up at him with one eye open. "Yeah I just have a really bad headache." Wesley held his hand out to her and she took it. Her head started to hurt as their hands touched and he pulled her to her feet and it only got worse. She let go of his hand to hold her head from the pain but as soon as she let go of him the pain went away. "What the...?" She put her hand on his shoulder and the pain came back.

"Kali what are you doing?" Wesley asked as she quickly removed her hand from his shoulder. "I don't know." He eyed her strangely and took her bag for her and let her lead the way out of the classroom. She watched as Jeremy walked Angela to her locker. "Those two really hit it off..." Wesley pointed out as he handed Kali her bag.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll get to hear every little detail at lunch." Kali smirked glad that her head had stopped pounding. "Heh, yeah I'm sure you will. I hope your head feels better. I'll see you later." He hugged her and she did her best to ignore the pounding in her head. She watched him walk away then headed to her locker. The lockers were outside at her school and she just so happened to get stuck with a locker against the wall outside of the cafeteria. Pondering her encounter she had with Freddy she still wasn't entirely sure if he was real or not. She grabbed her book for her next class and when she closed the locker door she found Gwen and Mia blocking her way.

They both towered over Kali in height and stood with their arms crossed. Gwen was slightly shorter than Mia with long dirty blonde hair and chubby cheeks wearing a polo shirt and jeans. Mia was slender with long black hair wearing a pair of faded bellbottom jeans and a tie-dyed tank top. Kali glared at them for a moment before breaking the silence. "What the hell do you want? I thought you all hated me?"

"We do..." Mia retorted. "... We just wanted to make sure things were clear."

"Now that Evan is through with you he's with Julia, the way it should be, but that doesn't mean that we can be friends again. What you did is unforgivable." Gwen explained placing her hand on her hip.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What I did had nothing to do with either of you!" Kali was getting angry and she could feel her body temperature rising.

"It has everything to do with us! Julia is our friend and you hurt her!" Gwen got in Kali's face.

"I'll show you hurt!" Kali reached back and with strength she didn't know she had, she punched Gwen right in the face. There was a loud smack then a crack when her hand impacted with Gwen's nose. It felt exhilarating to take her anger out on someone beside herself for once. Her entire body felt like it was on fire.

"Ah! Fuck!" Gwen screamed out in pain and fell back against the lockers holding her nose as blood trickled down her face. "You broke her nose you stupid bitch!" Everyone else in the locker area now had their attention on the three. Mia grabbed Kali by the shoulders and slammed her head into the wall behind her.

Kali's head was spinning and the heat encompassing her vanished making her feel chilled. She struggled to keep her balance as Mia helped Gwen up and ended up stumbling and hitting her head on the lockers. Trying her best to ignore the new pain in her head she felt herself loosing consciousness and leaned against the lockers letting herself slide to the ground.

Mia looked over to Kali to see her passed out up against the lockers. "Oh shit!" She quickly grabbed Gwen by the arm and led her in the direction of the nurse's office. "Fuck you, I hate you both..." Kali mumbled after them as the darkness took her. The last thing she saw was two boys hovering over her, she could barely hear them over the voice in her head. Freddy's voice was calling her name.

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