The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)

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"Good morning ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! its 7 o'clock here in sunny california! Today we-" I turned the radio on snooze and snuggled back into my loving, warm bed. mmmm...who needs men when there are such things as super soft dulex matresses? I was just about to fall into another deep sleep when i felt my duvet get ripped from me and some one screaming in my ear "GET UP LAZY PEICE OF SHIT! WE HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL...NOW!" 

"well good morning to you to lacey, I trust you had a plesent night in some strangers bed then?" I smirked at my step sister who was glaring at me as if she were trying to make my head explode. "Shut up freak, and get ready. at least try to look normal today, theres a new hot teacher and i dont want to make a bad impression because of some weirdo i have to live with" I gave her a shocked face and gasped. she rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room.

Well, im up now so i suppose i should get ready. I went to my draws and got out some ripped black skinnys, a red tank top, and a denim shirt aswell as my shinny silver converse. After i was complete with straightened black hair and smokey eyes, I headed down stairs to my "family".

I'm english (yay!) and moved over here around 3 years ago. My mum had twins when she was a teen, me, Scarlette and my brother Damien. She then had my younger brother Sam a few years later, he has really bad asberges. I mostly take care if him. My dad was in the army and died in Afganistan when I was 6. I never really knew him because he was always in away but my mum said he was the most hansom, kind and funniest man she had ever meet. That is until she meet (shudder) Peter. A dull and midle aged american dude who happened to be a friends brother. They hooked up when i was about 10 (im 17 now!!) and got married in about a years time, that was when we were forced to move over to sunny california. It was then when we meet Lacey. The name in my opinion sayes it all. A blonde fake hoe who feeds on hurting, manipulating and making teens feel insucure. That about sums up that fake cake.

Anyway, back to the family...Lacey was picking at some bread while Damien was wolfing down a full english breaky. The olds were reading newspapers and Sam was sitting in front of the TV watching some kind of kids program.

"calm down damo, your eating like its the last meal your ever gunna eat" He ignored my little joke and finished his SECOND plate of bacon and eggs. "Shut up and eat your food before I eat it" I jumped into my seat and covered my food protectovley, no way was that human black hole gunna steal my fry up. 

"Not eating anything Lacey?" I asked looking at her little peice of bread. "I'm on a diet, you should try one of those in a while"

"Thats one of the oldest in the book my friend, you need to find new insluts" She gave me a glare again through her clumpy mascara eyes and flicked her poroxide blonde hair. "Come on Scar, we better go. Don't want detention at the start of the year" Damo said before we me and the bitch got into a major fight. Before saying our good byes my mum said "Its Sams birthday tomorrow, were gunna have a little party here so if you could get some balloons and party food on the way back that would be great, have fun at school!" I smiled at her and gave her and Sam a kiss before leaving with the others.

"So what you got for Sam Lacey?" my brother asked in the car, trying to start a convo. "Why would I get it anything?" Anger washed through my body as she said that. Usually I'm good at keeping my cool, but when some one says anything agaist sam, i get nasty. "What did you say bitch?" I asked through gritted teeth. She smirked at me and repeted slowley "I said im not getting IT anything"

Just then we got to school and I ran out the car and pulled the scank out as well, banging her against the car door. People were staring and her little possy were starting to run up to us but i didnt care, I started to bang her against the car "don't you dare say ANYTHING agaisnt my brother, you sick little whore. If I ever hear one word against that nasty mouth of yours against him, I swear that-" Just as I was about to finish off my little threat I was pulled back from her by Damo, I started to push away get to that nasty peice of shit. A crowd was starting to form already when a voice interupted "Whats going on? Everyone leave and get to your classes before I get the princepal!" I turned around to see a fimiliar man standing in front of me. With the all to firmiliar bright blue eyes, staring right back. Shit.

Flash Back 

I"Scare! Scar! There you are, I was looking every where for you" I looked up to see an angle make its way towards me, his brown hair was messy and his mesmerising blue eyes were alive with laughter and love. I smiled sheepishly at him shrugged my shoulder "Well you weren't looking hard enough then" He chuckled and sat down on the grass next to me.

We were near to my house. There was a huge golden feild full of barley. Next to that feild was an old tree that I always sat under, I guess you could say it was my favorite place, it is were I play, think, cry, do home work. I even had my first kiss here with the same boy who was now sitting next to me.

I noticed that he was looking at me intently while I was lost in thought, I blushed and looked away. He grabbed my and pulled me into his hard abbs. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while, I knew I was going to have to tell him soon, i started to fidget in his lap thinking of how to break it to him. "Scar? whats up? your freaking me out" He looked at me with worry in his beautiful eyes. "I-I..." I sarted to cry and he quickly held me, rocking me back and forth. "What is it baby? I'm sure it's not that bad"

"You'll hate me, I know you will."

"Shhh, nothing could ever make me hate you scar, I love you" It was the first time he ever told me that he loved me, and the last. 

"I'm leaving, tomorrow"

End of Flash Back


So, this is my first story. I you have any feed back or sugestments of improvment then that would be fab :) cheers! and I will carry on when I have 5 fans and votes :) 

The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now