The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. I'M BACK!

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I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

hola amigas! long time no see :) okay so the other day my sister was all like "GET ON WATTPAD! PEOPLE LIKE YOUR STORY!!!" and I was like "NO FRECKING WAY?!?!?!"

so i'm back :) 

okay, so the minor changes are:

scar left 3 years ago so the dude isn't a complete pedo! and she is seventeen!

so THEREFORE the age gap is now  4 years?! OR 3, can't remember how old he is >_< 


so give me suggestions on what to happen next by messaging me or something

MERCI BEAUCOUP!!!! i will post tomorrow or tonight!!!

The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now