The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. - your song

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(ok, so i made a few changes...i was gunna have chace crawford for jake, but everyone has i choose one of my favorite singers instead..drum role please....joe brooks :D so he has brown a bit of a change ) 

He was there, Jack. I couldn't look away from his eyes. These were the eyes I had left back in england 5 years ago, and now they were staring back at me?! I finally broke away from his gaze when I was pushed back by Lacey who was screaming at me saying I had rewined her hair or something. 

I looked back at him, he still looked dazed. Crap. I made a run for it into school, my best friend freya was by the door smiling at me. But once she saw my shocken up face she huged me. "Whats up? is Lacey getting up your backside again?" I laughed and nodded, what was i gunna say to her? i couldn't exactly say 'oh its not her, my first love has come back into my life after 3 years, and oh yer, he's our teacher' That would be great.

Freya could tell that I didn't want to talk about it, so we went straight to the reseption in scilence. I grabed my time table off a very iritatted old orange lady at the front desk, today I had math, english, break, pe, lunch, double music. 

I managed to get to and from my first lessons without seeing Jack. I tried my best to keep my mind off of his face, by chatting with my friends about what they did over summer. Just when I thought i had enough on my plate, my ex, justin came over to me. "Hey babe, what's up?" What. The. Fuck. Did he not know that when i punched him in the face and screamed to him that we were over, i ment it? 

"Im not your babe" I growled before storming off, he grabbed my arm and turned me around. "come on Scarlett, you no what i did was an accident, i was really really drunk, and your sister just kinda lept on my."

"ok justin, 1. like i said im not your babe. 2. you lied to me when you went to the party and said, i quote 'i will not drink my ass off' and 3. there is no way in hell im gunna get back with you after you have touched that STD slut, to fuck off back to your hoes."  Personally i think that was pretty smooth, I turned around and left for music, leaving Justin looking speechless. Ha!

I got into the music room and sat next to Freya. We were chatting happily about my killed speech to Justin when the whole room when scilent. I turned around to see Jack standing by the door. Yay.

Jacks POV 

I got into the school car park around 8.25. Yes, I was late, but that was because I was stoped by. Gulp. Melissa. She had come round again whining "But you said you would ring me" 

"I lost your number, sorry" she glarred "BUT I SAVED MY NUMBER TO YOUR PHOOONE!"

"well, then i lost my phone. sorry melissa, but i only went out with you because it was a double date, and i was helping a friend. we had our fun, but thats the last of it. Bye" I might have seemed a tad bit mean, but she was annoying and clingy. A hump and dump type of girl ya know? I have only ever had one girl i never wanted to do a one night stand with.

Anyway, I had driven to school as fast as my beat up second hand car could go. When i got there i saw a load of students crowding around in the playground. Shouldn't they be in lessons? as i got closser i heard screams and people chanting fight! fight! fight! oh god? first day and i have to break up a fight already?! I pushed my way through "RIGHT, THATS ENOUGH! EVERY ONE GET TO CLASS!" I shouted to the kids who immediatly scuried off. I turned around to see who caused the comotion. 

As soon I turned around I saw her. She was standing right infront of me with her hands throteling some screaming blonde bimbo, but i didnt care. She was here. I hoped anyway, if it was another dream then i would be really pissed, but i could tell from her shocked eyes it wasn't. My Scar was finally here with me. 

Just then the principal came over and she ran off into the school. Shit shit SHIT! why does she have to be my student?! come one! this is so unfair! I groaned to myself as i saw her figure disapear from my sight. this is gunna be a heck of a long day.

Everything went by slowly, I was nervous all through the day teaching wise, but also if I couldn't find her find her. I searched the halls between lessons and at lunch, but she wasn't anywhere. 

By the end of the day I had given up. She probably flunked school because she didn't want to face me. I understand why though, I broke her heart. I reached my last class of the day, it was a double period. The kids were all chatting but stopped as soon as I came in.

I smirked as all the girls gasped and pulled down there tops to try and impress me. I sat on my desk and called out the names of the register, asking everyone to put their hands up when i called their names. I spotted one in perticular. Scarlett Rose. Holyshit. "Scarlett Rose?" I asked and frantically looked around the room, a hand went up slowly at the back of the room.

"H-Here" She said quietly as she looked down at her desk. She was just as I remembered. Well, of corse she had changed in 3 years, she was a woman now. but she still looked like my Scar. Wait-what? my scar?! I can NOT think of her like that, she's my student, im 22 and she must be 17! 

I noticed the class were looking at me weirdly, crap i must have looked like a freak. I carried on with the names until i was finished. "Right, so...I'm Mr Lucas, your music teacher. We're gunna start you off on a project today. But first i think we should get to know each over a little bit better. yes, miss..." "I'm Katie morris" a fake blonde girl with a really low to purred to me. oh god. I gulped "Yes?"

"How old are you sir?"

"I'm 22"

"Are you single?" An equally slutty looking girl winked to me, oh god. I hesitated before i awnsered, i looked over to Scar, she was looking at me intently.

"Yes, well no...I, maybe, thats quiet a personal question..anyone else?" A lanky guy put his hand up, finally!

"What made you want to teach music?"

"There was a girl I used to know, she really incuraged me to do what I wanted instead of listen to my dad who wanted me to have some stupid office job, she was the reason why I am doing what i did today" I was looking straight at Scar as I said this. She blushed and looked down, god how i missed her blush.

I talked a bit more with all of the students, before i set them their asignments. "I want you this term to create your own song, in groups or alone. It can be about what ever you want, as long as its not no graphic guys, lets keep it a pg please" I said with a wink, the girls giggled and some guy gave me a high five.

"So, to show you what i mean this is a song i wrote a while back when I was with this amazing girl, she left before i could show her it. I looked over to scar and gulped, her mouth was open and i nodded my head to show her that it was for her. 

I grabbed my guitar and began to sing 

(watch the link...ifs not there then go onto youtube and look up joe brooks-superman. Its him who plays Jack woo!), i know i didn't get 5 votes or fans, but i wanted to carry on anyway :) please tell me what you think and for godsake fan and vote people! its only a button!..cheers :) 

The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now