The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. The girlfriend

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All through the song he was looking at me, his captivating brown eyes gave me chills. Did he really write this for me? The girl that he had told he didn‘t even love? Once the song was over everyone applauded with claps and woops, all the girls sighed and gazed at him like love sick puppies. Ewwww?

He coughed and bowed to his little fan club.  ‘thanks guys, I’m glad you all liked it. So, does anyone have any ideas on what there song will be about or what it will sound like?’ He listen to people for about 20 minutes. 

All the time I was racking my brains for what to say. What the fuck would I say? I was starting to panic as he made his was along each student. It was almost my turn, just as the guy before me was about to finish his speech the bell rung. Thank you god! 

His face seemed frustrated as he looked at me but he quickly covered it to a heart breaking smile ’right guys, the ideas you have sound great, you have a 10 minute break and then come back’ I tried to get out of the room as quickly as I could but people were blocking up the door. Grrr, stupid people! ‘Scarlett? Can I talk to you for a minute?’ I sighed and turned towards jacks desk. He was sitting on the edge with his hand in his hair smiling at me nervously. Oh god, he was to hot god damn it!

‘yes?’ He shut the door and turned towards me. We were now alone in his classroom. Yay. I sat on the top of a desk and crossed my arms. He sighed and walked over to me. ‘I don’t know what to say…how have you been?’ 

He looked at me with big brown eyes, they were so  full of pain it physically hurt me to look into them. ‘I’ve been fine. Had my heart broken a few times, but apart from that fine.’ He winced from my comment. Oh, maybe it was a little harsh, but he did break my heart. 

He moved closer to me and bent down so he could look me straight in the eyes  ‘Scar, I know I hurt you real bad. I’m so sorry for what I said to you, but I want you to know, I-’ Just then the door slammed open and he jumped away from me. What was he going to say? Was he going to say what I had dreamt him saying for 5 years? That he didn’t mean it? I was about to ask him what he wanted me to know when a blonde bimbo woman came running over to us. 

‘Hunny! I was looking everywhere for you! I’ve decided that your right, I was to clingy…lets start again!’ I felt anger and jealously wash over me. I had to hold onto the table so I wouldn’t hit the fake boobs blonde. 

I looked between the woman and Jack. She was giving me the evils while clinging onto him protectively. Jack looked shocked, he tried to get her off of him while his eyes were pleading me to let him explain. But I wasn’t going to let him explain.

 I stormed out of the classroom and ran down the hallway. I heard his foot steeps thudding behind me but I didn’t stop. I ran out of the school, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to follow. He had the class to deal with. And his girlfriend. My fist clenched when I thought of that fake with MY Jack. What? Why am is so possessive all of a sudden, he’s not mine. He doesn’t love me back, he can’t even if he wanted to. He’s my teacher.

I ran all the way home, fighting away the tears. But as soon as I got inside I couldn’t keep them in anymore. I cried more then I have since the day he left me. I cried about everything. About how unfair it was for my brother to never have a normal life and having a bitch of a so called sister, I cried that I never got to know my dad properly, I cried that I had to leave my beloved country and I cried about Jack. 

After crying for almost and hour I was exhausted. I climbed up the stairs to my room and fell on the bed and dreamt of Jacks song. this was a bit of a filler for the next chapter...and.....


The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now