The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. First Kiss

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I woke up feeling my bed dip down as a person climbed on next to me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see my mum smiling sadly at me. ‘I heard what happened Scarlett.’ Oh shit, she knows? I rubbed my eyes a few times ‘y-you do?’ I croaked out. She nodded and pushed my hair back to look into my eyes properly. 

‘you have every right to be upset hunny, you two were like glue. When we left I know it hurt you so much. But you will figure something out soon. In the mean time, do you think you could pick up Sam? He’s still at school.’ I sighed and looked at my alarm clock, it was 6 o’clock. Sam goes to a special school and it finishes about now. ‘sure mum, just let me clean up.

Once she left I rolled off my bed and looked in the mirror. HOLY FUCK! I looked like shit! My eye make up was all smudged so I looked like a walking  zombie and my hair looked like a birds nest. Yay. 

I redid the make up and hair and changed into some bright blue skinnies, a Beatles top (keeping the British alive) and some red converse. I ran out of the house and began to walk down the street. Sam’s school wasn’t far away, only about a 10 minute walk. 

While I was walking I went through the town square, I had forgotten it was a carnival! I love the rides so much! There were colours and bright lights everywhere, everyone was smiling and laughing or screaming on the rollercoaster’s. 

When I got to Sams school I saw him waiting in the reception. He was playing with some blocks, putting them into colour coded buildings. I smiled at the sweet fat lady called Maria who was his teacher. ‘hey there Scarlett, haven’t seen you in a while. Your looking good! Sam was just telling me how you got a gig coming up! I hope the band does well!’ 

‘err…Yer were do! Its next month, I’m so nervous. Has Sam got everything? I was thinking of taking him to the carnival for a bit.’ 

‘yep its all in his back pack, have fun!’ I took his hand and led him towards the fare. Once we got there he smiled up at me with his big blue eyes, he loves carnivals. We went on a few rides but soon it was getting dark. 

We were in the line to get some candy floss for Sam when some guys came sauntering up to us and pushed us behind them. ‘Hey! We were in the cue buttheads!’ I shouted angrily. There were three of them, the all turned around and glared at me. They. Were. Huge….Shit. ‘you talking to us freak?’ I gulped, I heard a whimper by my side as Sam started to get nervous. Oh crap not now!

One of the guys laughed ‘hey look at the kid, he’s trembling’ he reached out to touch him and Sam went mental, literally. He started to kick and scream at the guys, hitting them with all his might. I don’t know if you have ever seen a person defend themselves when they have aspergers, they are really strong and hard to calm down. 

The guys looked mad now and one of the, looked like he was about to hit him, I screamed as he lifted his hand up. He slammed down, but before he reached Sams face an arm reached out and twisted it to the side, the man let out a yelp and fell to the ground.  I turned away and held Sam tightly as I heard shouting and fighting behind me. 

‘alright, we’re leaving! Shit, come on guys!’ I heard the gang retreat and felt a hand rest on my shoulder. ‘scar? Scar its ok now, they’ve gone.’ I felt the butterflies in my stomach when I heard him say my name. I turned around and was meet by a battered looking jack. His clothes were wrinkled and I could see a bruise already forming under his eye. Even like this, he was still the hottest guy around. 

‘urm, thank you sir, you didn’t have to do that though’ I looked down at the ground and bit my lip. I felt him put his arms around me and pull me into his rock hard abbs. Oh god. He chuckled and whispered into my ear ‘call me jack scar, it would have killed me to see them hurt you.’ I smiled and snuggled into him, god how I’ve missed his smell. We stood there for what seemed like ages until I felt a tug on my leg. I looked down to see Sam smiling up at us. 

I broke away from jack quickly and looked around, crap! Any one from school could have seen us hugging! I looked at jack, his eyes were full of hurt and sadness but he soon covered up with a week smile. ‘come on, I’ll walk you home…to make sure those guys don’t hurt you’ I smiled, knowing it was just an excuse and led the way home. 

The walk back was intense. We were silent through out the whole walk, every now and then I would look up and catch his eye and we would share a smile but that was about it. When we finally arrived home Sam ran inside leaving me and Jack. Great. 

‘well, I suppose I should probably leave now…’ he started, glancing up at me with hopeful eyes. Awww crap! ‘jack, I-’ but I was cut off my mother who had flung open the door and ran down the steps to hug the life out of jack ‘oh my lord alive! Jack Daniel Lucas! I can’t believe its you! Look how you’ve grown! Quite the charmer now I can guess!’ she looked back at me and winked. I felt the heat in my checks as I turned red from embarrassment. Jack looked at me and smirked before carrying on chatting with my mum. 

‘would you like to come in for supper jack? Its hot dog night and we would love you to join us, wouldn’t we scar?’ I looked up at her in shock and saw the gleam in her eyes. Oh no, I knew what she was planning! All I could manage was a nod as I marched towards the house with jack and mum following. 

1 hour latter. 

Well, dinner was…interesting. Once we had gone inside jack was introduced to peter and Lacey as an ‘old family friend’ Lacey was shocked that the new hot teacher was a family friend and because of it she thought it gave her the right to flirt for the whole freaking evening. I have never had the longest hour of my life. 

We were cleaning up when my mother said ‘well, this has been wonderful! It was so nice to see you again Jack’ she beamed up at him.

‘thank you for having me Mrs Rose. I haven’t got any food in my house yet, so it was really helpful of you to have me.’ the chatted for a few more minutes and before he left my mum grinned at me, oh no. I shock my head and mouthed and angry no. crap, here it comes…

‘scar dear, the stores are still open…do you think you could grab me a few things, oh and you could show jack where the store is!’ 

‘mum, I’m sure he knows where-’

‘so I need milk, eggs and bread.’

‘but mum I-’

‘oh and some apples. See you soon!’ I sighed and walked out behind jack. Stupid cunning woman. 

The walk was actually quite enjoyable. We joked around and caught up on the 5 years. It turned out that his house was right around the corner from the stores. We got to his door and just before he went in he took my hands and looking into my eyes. ‘you know she’s not my girlfriend.’ I can not explain the relief I felt when he told me that, all I could do was grin at him like a mad love sick school girl…which I am. 

He bent down to my ear and whispered ‘I haven’t had one for 5 years.’ his cool breath sent shivers down my spine while his hands ran my arms and travelled down my back. He held onto my waist and pulled me into him so that our bodies were touching. Sparks were flying every where he touched me. I looked into his chocolate eyes, the ones I dream about every night. ‘ we shouldn’t be doing this, you’re my teacher…’ 

‘no, you’re a girl and I’m a boy. I’m still in love with you and im not going to let a law get between me and my girl.’ he gave a beautiful lopsided smile at me. He bent down so that out noses touched. ‘the question is, are you still the girl who wanted me all that time ago?’ 

I grinned up at his face. ‘I could show you better then I could tell you.’ he chuckled and pressed his lips softly against mine. It was the most perfect moment in my life.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,  i know its been ages, i just haven't felt like's a bit crap but i promise the next one will be better :) please comment, vote and fan! means a lot :) thank you! bye <3

The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now