The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. Home at last

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¬¬The doctors had let me go home after 3 days of intensive care. I had broken 2 ribs, my collar bone was chipped, my shoulder had been dislocated and my wrist was broken. They said it was amazing how there was no internal bleeding or that my neck and skull where intact. I guess I should be feeling lucky, I was lucky. But to be honest I feel like I would rather be dead then have to face Jack again. 

Unfortunately my preys weren’t answered.

I had been lying on my bed like I had done all day, the doctors said I had to let my ribs recover so it was either go into school in a wheelchair looking like a weirdo bashing and knocking over things, or I could stay at home for the next 2 weeks. I choose the second option.

It was now getting dark and I was onto the 6th Harry potter movie and had 5 bags of empty popcorn around me. Aww crap, I can feel the ponds coming on. 

Music started to drift through my open window...hmmmm...

No words to say 

No words to convey 

This feeling inside I have for you 

Deep in my heart

Safe from the guards 

Of intellect and reason

Leaving me at a loss 

For words to express my feelings

Deep in my heart 

Deep in my heart

Look at me losing control 

Thinking I had a hold

But with feelings this strong 

I'm no longer the master 

Of my emotions

I ignored it, thinking it was my brother playing my music CD that Jack had made for me for my 13th birthday. Then he started to sing, Jacks voice was so perfect, his voice intertwined with the guitar chords so well. Soon I began to realise it wasn’t the CD (I had it on the side of desk...) so I slowly climbed out of bed, grabbing my clutch I hobbled over to the window. 

There he was, under my window with his old guitar I had got him for his 14th birthday. I looked down at him in silence. He was so perfect, to perfect. The way his hair rustled in the wind, the way his muscles tensed as he moved onto different cords. 

It wasn’t fair. How could I still love him, after what he did? I know we weren’t together, and he didn’t know we would ever meet again. But it still stung so much, and how could he leave me at the hospital? How!

Once he finished he sheepishly smiled up to me. “Hi” he whispered. 

“Hey..” Silence past for a couple of moments until he spoke again 

“Scar...I...I’m...Can I come up?” How could I refuse? I nodded and went to sit on my desk chair and waited for him to come up. 

In less than a minute he was up in my room. He looked around and smiled as he noticed the photo album he had given me, it was full of pictures. Since we were tiny kids up until I left. The last picture was the day before I had left. It was my favourite picture.

I blushed and looked down at my suddenly very interesting floor as he chuckled at me.  “What do you want Jack?”

“Didn’t that song explain it to you scar? I love you. I can’t express my feelings in words, I needed you to know. I can’t stop thinking about you Scar! I need you in my life again. I have missed you so much” He was right in front of me now, his eyes looked deep into mine, they were full of love and happiness.

I couldn’t take him back, I was still hurt by his actions, and it was illegal! But as I looked into his eyes, I saw my whole life in them. My past, and my future. The last 3 years I thought of him every day, I cried myself to sleep so often. 

And now, by some miracle, He was back. I would be a complete dildo to not take him back!

But it was idiotic, illegal and-

“Scar? Please, take me back?” Jack asked nervously, his eyes were pleading and worried. 

Oh screw it!

I nodded “Yes” He grinned and looked like he had just won the jack pot. I laughed at his face and looked down at our hands entwined. I looked up to see him inches away from me, he just stood there, taking in all my features, his eyes travelled down to my lips. He gulped and looked back into my eyes as if to ask for my permission to kiss me. 

I answered him by throwing my arms around him and crashing my lips onto his warm firm ones. I melted into his body as he deepened the kiss. I was home. 

The man that broke my heart is now my teacher? great. (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now