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Raphs Pov:

I felt a cold wind touching my wet skin, I shivered, I couldn't feel anything, It hurt to much, so I wanted to open my eyes to see where I am and what's going on., but I closed them as fast as I wanted to open them. My head hurts. Then I slowly felt big drops falling down on me. It was raining, that means I have to be outside! This isn't good! One more time I tried to open my eyes, but I failed. I moaned, I felt horrible, I just wanted to lay there and sleep. But then I heard a noise, footsteps, who were running nearer towards me. Suddenly I heard familiar voices. "Where could he be?!" asked one voice worried "I don't know...I hope he is okay..." said another. Then a third person sighed bevor he spoke: "this is all my fault...If I didn't screamed at him, and in humiliated him...fought against him...he wouldn't bin ran away from home..." Then I recognized the voices, there were my brothers, I sighed in relive. I tried to shout for them "g...guys....I'" but it came out as a whisper, I hoped they heard me. It was silent for a moment, bevor one of them began to speak, it was Mikey. "Guys, I think I heard someone!" - "Yeah me too!" responded Donnie. All three cried out my name and came closer to me, I could feel it. They were close. Then suddenly Donnie cried out "There he is!" I still couldn't move, or open my eyes, I laid there like a dead person...or for me turtle. I heard their heavy breaths over me. Then one of them kneeled down to me and felt my pulls on my neck. I think it was Donnie. Another laid my head on his lap. I shut my eyes tighter because of the pain which went through my whole body, what happened that I'm that much in pain?! I tried to open my eyes, I wanted to see them. I opened them slowly, I saw blurry, but I could recognize 3 green figures. My brothers... they were all kneeling beside me, except of Leo, who were holding my head on his lap. They all looked worried, or sad. Did I look really that bad? I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "D...don't speak...everything...will be alright..." said Leo, he...he had tears in his eyes...what was going on?! But bevor I could think further, a shock went through my body, everything hurts so bad! I couldn't hold my eyes open, I closed them and became tired. The last thing I heard was my brothers shouting, that I should stay awake. But I couldn't. I fell asleep....

Hey guys! I'm Tori bay the way. I hope you like the first part of my fanfoction about TMNT. Also I want to apologize that I'm not that good in english. I'm always open for comments!

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