Chapter 7: FOUR

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The charges that had been brought against Peter, were dropped on a technicality. Though, he had been promptly expelled and sent home to Alabama.

They all sat in the waiting room for the nurse's 'okay' to see Thomas.

Anita leaned on Nathan's shoulder.  He squeezed her hand supportingly.  Fred held Jasmine in his arms. 

Finally, the short white nurse peeked in, briefly giving Nathan and Anita an up-and-down look.

"-Follow me."


They weren't prepared for the sight that met them.

Thomas was propped up on his bed with several tubes running out of his face and chest. An odd translucent sheet covered his entire bed like a fish-tank.

"Hey -wheeze- guys."

"How are you, Thomas?" Janine asked, her eyes tearing.

"I'm -wheeze- fine. Can't you -wheeze- tell?"

At least he was well enough to make jokes.

"That -wheeze- bastard." Thomas said.

The doctor said he had permanent lung damage and extensive scarring from the chemical burns on his shoulders, neck, and chest. He would have to use an oxygen tank for the rest of his life.

"See my -wheeze- gifts?"

All around him were flowers, cards, and balloons, given by his classmates and professors in the chemistry program.

"What did you -wheeze- bring me?"

They laughed.

 "I'm -wheeze- serious."  

They stayed with him until visiting hours were over, when Dr. Kensington came back around to pick them up.


"If you need more time, I understand", she said.

"I can let your professors know."

Fred spoke up first. "No. We don't."

Fred knew that Thomas wouldn't have it.


Thomas was eventually sent home to his own county's hospital to finish his recovery. It left a huge hole in the circle. They hadn't realized how much they appreciated his humor and youthful energy.  Worst of all, his academic gifts would be put on hold. That had hurt the most.

The only positive was that because it occurred on school property, it fell under their liability clause. His working class family wouldn't have been able to afford his medical bills without that coverage.

It had taken awhile, but they finally fell back into the rhythm of their classes. Because they had lost Thomas, they clung to each other that much harder. The attack had brought home the reality that no one member of their circle was more in danger than the other.  

If they had spent their life worrying about specific people who had threatened them, like they did for Rebecca and Ben, they would never get anything done.

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