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Sandra ushered them both into the dining room.

"Have a seat." she said, smiling

As they did, the doorbell rang.

"Excuse me." she said, as she went to the door.

They could hear harsh whispers coming from the front room.

Anita whispered. 

"Who is that?"

Nathan shrugged.

They both flushed when a towering redheaded man strolled into the dining room.

"Look's like I'll be setting an extra place." she said, a nervous smile ticking her lips.

"Jacob, this is my son Nathan and his friend from school, Anita."

He clearly hadn't been invited.  He sucked his teeth and smiled thinly as he eyed the two of them.

  "...Officer Jacob Jackson, if you please."  he added, flashing a yellow-white smile.

"Well then..."  Sandra said, not liking the tension.  

"You have a seat and I'll see to the roast." 

"Allow me to help ya', Sandie. No sense in you doing this on your own. 'Should've told me you were having guests." he said sarcastically.

Sandra sighed, looking from Jake back to her son and Anita. She nodded her head while looking apprehensive.

As they disappeared into the kitchen, Nathan looked stricken.

Mr. Jackson reminded him of his father. Polite while things were going his way, but he had a feeling that could change on a dime.

Anita touched his hand under the table, her look questioning.

"–Later, Nita."

She nodded.


"You knew I was having guests over, Jake."  

"Yes, and now I see why you didn't want me to join your little family reunion."

"Jake, please don't start. -Not tonight." she said, looking wearier.

"Of course not, we can't leave the colored girl in there with a bad impression."

"This is why you weren't invited." she hissed, straightening herself to her full height.

"Come on now Sand', I ain't gonna make trouble. Hell, I already met them both earlier."

"You have?" she questioned, very anxiously. 

"Did you harass my son?"

"No. -No baby. -Why'd you think that?  It's alright." he said, his hands sliding around her waist.

"I'm not your baby." she said, peeling his hands from her body with some difficulty.

She walked to the other end of the kitchen. Jake followed her.

"Now, look here. I told you I was sorry, I dun' everything I can to make up for it, now you just gonna have to accept that and stop being so goddamn stubborn, Sandie!"

"-Do not blaspheme in my household."

"Well, shit...What can a man do in your household?!"

"Leave." she said, her eyes level.

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