Chapter 4

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Part Two.

Not edited.

Paige's Pov.

Walking toward the ticket booth I pulled my money out. "One ticket to Ted 2 please." The clerk nodded.

"11.75." Handing her a twenty dollar bill I waited on my change.

I'm not Christopher. I don't have money to be tipping everyone's who is polite to me. That's not in my blood. I could understand if I was rich, or if I had enough income coming out. I just don't.

Walking to toward theater number three it was semi-packed in here. Walking towards the top I sat in the middle. Putting my hood on my head I observed everyone in front of me. These girls in here with short ass shorts on, and little stuff like that. I know their asses is cold. It be cold as hell in movie theaters.

"Niya. Don't eat all that popcorn. I want some." I heard a little girl say.

Looking towards the entrance there stood Christopher. He had my baby with him, and I smiled. Taking my hood off my head I stood up, and walked towards them. "C! You didn't tell me Paige was coming here with us." He did an awkward laugh.

I guess he haven't told them what happened, and I'm glad for that. I know I'd probably have to fight Serenity, and I'd rather not. "Mama I'm sleepy." Serenity nodded.

"C, can I drive your car to drop her off with Sean?" He handed her the keys, and grabbed Mel's diaper bag.

I watched as he looked at me, and walked away. I fucked up real bad. Walking behind him I sat beside him. "That seat is taken. Sit beside Niya." I shook my head no. He got up, and sat beside Niya.

"You're so damn childish." I mumbled.

"And you're a fucking hoe, but you don't hear me complaining." I heard Niya gasp.

Standing up I put my hand on my hip. "Ok. Let it out because I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not worried about you. Just sit there. Shut up, and watch the movie." We were gaining people's attention, but I don't care. He's not going to disrespect me.

"You done lost your fucking mind. Maybe if you actually showed me some fucking attention I wouldn't have did what I did."

"What did she do?" Trell ol' bitch ass asked.

"Aye Niya hold Mel for a second." She sat her popcorn down, and grabbed a sleeping Mel. "You want to make a scene? Let's do it." He walked towards the front of the movie theater, and stood in front of the screen.

"I swear for Lord you better not." He smirked.

"Aye let me have y'all attention." Everyone stopped talking, and stared at him. "I'm sure you all heard all of the commotion that was coming from the back of the theater." Everyone nodded their heads.

"Don't listen to him. Continue talking until the movie starts. Which should be starting in ten minutes."

Cj was about to do some foul shit. Yes I fucked up, and I'll apologize to him a million times. However, that doesn't give him the right to tell everyone. If we're in a relationship then our business is our business, and no one else's.

"Ladies let me ask you something. If you have a nigga telling you that you don't never have to work a day in your life, just be his back bone would you cheat on him?" Some people shook their head no.

"Why is it so hard for people to be faithful? Some of y'all say men are dogs, but sometimes women play the game better than us. She was my first love. I was so used to fucking, and ducking women man. When I met her I let everything go. The games, the illegal shit, and everything else. I buy her whatever she wants. I listen to her. I actually fucking communicate with her regardless of if she's getting on my nerves or not. However, she did me wrong. Of course I still love her, but I'm hurt." I wiped my eyes.

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