Chapter 15

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As I stated in last chapter, this chapter is just a flashback of the main characters lives. I didn't do Serenity because all of that was explain in SMFM. ENJOY.

Not edited, sorry.




Cj's Pov

"Wake up boy. You got shit to do today." I didn't bother to argue with Pops.

Why the fuck was I still staying in this trap house? I don't know. Why the fuck am I trapping anyways? I'm only 15. This isn't the life I want to live.

Going into the bathroom I got in the shower. Pops said he has me staying here so I can be the next kingpin, but this isn't what I want to do with my life. I pictured myself graduating school, and going to college. Hell, I even want a family of my own.

Scrubbing myself I made sure not to get my corn rolls fucked up. I don't have time to be getting that shit redid. "Aye nigga hurry up. I'm ready to roll." I heard Trey yell.

This nigga stay rushing me. Treys like a brother to me. I would say best friend, but that's overrated. We've been cool since first grade. Pops immediately took him in, and sorta raised him like he was his own.

Stepping out the shower I dried off, and did the rest of my hygiene stuff. Walking into my room I grabbed some boxers, basketball shorts, all black Religions, and a black T-shirt. They say I turn into a savage when I wear all black. I just dress like my mood is.

After I got dressed I grabbed my whet timbs to set the outfit off. Walking towards my dresser I grabbed the Thick chain pops got me for my thirteenth birthday, and my glock 37. I could say I have it all, but I'd be lying.

I don't have nothing, but the shit I buy with the cut I get from doing this shit. Pops on the other hand has everything. That nigga stay flashy. That's why I did my time for trying to rob him. Petty right? To you maybe, but not to me. I had a decent motive behind it.

He's constantly trying to turn me into something I don't want to be. He's rushing me to be a man when I'm a kid bruh. The shit is crazy. Fuck it though.

Walking downstairs I examined the workers. I guess you could say I was third in charge. People were sitting around lazily watching TV. Grabbing my strap I sent three shots in the air.

"Work. Now." Most people wouldn't dare question my authority.

Walking into the kitchen I grabbed a duffle bag from one of the girls, and headed outside. It was getting dark, and that only meant one thing; the fiends were waiting on their daily dose. It didn't bother me though because I makes my money. "Took yo ass long enough." Kissing my teeth I just got in the car.

I don't have to explain myself to this nigga. Grabbing my phone because it was vibrating I saw it was my pops. Sighing I answered.

"Yea," I said deeply.

I know I don't have to impress him, but this is my father were talking about. It's his way, or no way.

"Once you finish that round come back to the T. I have an announcement to make."

He hung up. Here he go about to pass this shit down to me. I don't want it, but I can't let him down. I'll just go with the flow.

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