Chapter 7

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We looked around. "Teresa!" I yelled. No answer. I tried again. No response. "Thomas, what if we don't find her." I asked quietly. Thomas was pale in the the face and he looked like he was going to pass out. "Mate, you look ill." Newt said. "It'll be OK. We'll find her." He said squeezing my hand. "Guys, we have to keep moving. I think a storm is coming." Minho yelled over the wind. Newt let go of my hand and I went over to Thomas. "Newt's right. We'll find her. Come on, let's go." I told him and we ran up with the others.

We ran for ages in the wind storm. Sand blowing everywhere. The sun beating down on us. Earlier one droped dead from a heat stroke. Not one I knew. We had to leave him there, the storm was getting worse.
"Hey, there's a person outside that building. Careful, could be a crank." I gripped tighter on my knife. It didn't move. "Thomas!" It yelled. I recognized the voice. Who did it belong to? "It's Teressa, guys!" Thomas yelled and ran up the dune to her.He followed her into the building. "I'm going to see what's going on." Newt said. Frypan grabbed his arm.  "No... Who knows what they're doing in there. Might not be something you want to walk in on." Minho chirped. Newt rolled his eyes. "Like Teressa would let him." There were snickers from the group. Moments later Thomas came back. He didnt stop to talk, he just ran ahead. I look to newt, he shrugs and follows.
I speed up to Thomas. "What happened in there? Where's Teressa? Are you crying?" I ask all at once. He brushed the tears away. "She's not coming. And I'm not crying, you're crying." I laugh.  "Oh no.... It's a town." Says  Thomas. That can only mean cranks.

We start to come close to the city when I see lightning. It strikes next to one of the gladers whom I do not know. Another and another follow, hitting one. "Get to the city and take shelter!" I yell. I pick up my pace. I hear screams behind me. Sometimes it's your own battle. I tell myself and run even faster.
Finally we make it to the city with less people that before and all that survided are burnt, sweaty, and tired.  "Well hello." Says a strange voice. I turn around.  Crank. A girl drops down beside the voice, an old Hispanic man. "I am Jorge." The man says. "And you are trespassing." The girl steps forward. "I am Brenda" she says. Then walks up to Thomas. "And who might you be. You seem..... Interesting." She finished with a smirk. "I am Thomas." He respond to Brenda, oblivious to her previous statement. Boys. "Mind if we talk in priavet?" He says gestering to Jorge. "Anything you want to say to me, you can say to everyone." Jorge replys. Thomas explains about the maze, mission and Cure. "If what you say is true," Jorge added. "Then Brenda and I shall come with you. Where the only ones who aren't past the Gone." Brenda nodded. "Yeah, I'm up for it. I would mind getting to know, Thomas." She grabs his shirt and brings him close. " Get off me." Thomas says politely. "Get off." He struggles. I pull my knife out and tackle Brenda. I thrust it into her neck. I fell a blade in my back. "Shouldn't have done that." Jorge says. Then I here a gun click. "Touch her again, mate and I'll blow your bloddy head off."

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I've been reading y'alls stories. Ok, so I'm renaming the group b girls, so  comment what your name should be. Don't forget to  comment who Cora should end up with!
Shelby Sangster

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