Chapter 13

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"Bell!" I stammer with anger.  She screams.  I try my hardest to keep my grip on her even though it's hard with the berg blowing wind everywhere. " How could you? You turned us in?!" I dig my knife further into her leg. "I-I- It wasn't me!" She stutters through tears and sobs. "Let her go." It's Teressa. "Can't you see what she did? She lead them right to us!" Teressa smirks. " You just aren't getting it. I turned you in. Bell works for WICKED, as you already know. But, so do I. Bell's gone soft. I'm here to keep WICKED'S plans on track." I'm stunned. "wwwww-e have to get out of here." Bells says. I instantly feel bad about harming her. I help her up. something electrifies. " You're not going anywhere." Teressa says. I start to see water form in her eyes. " I have to do this.  They'll, they'll kill me. And...." She straightens back up. " So, Bell. You ought to know what's in store for you. Cora, you still have some trials to finish." Then she shoots Bell with her dart gun. Bell collapses out of my grasp.  "NOO!"  I lunge myself at Teressa. I hit her right in the face. I keep hitting her until I can't continue. "Love, get up. we have to go." I feel Newt's strong hands grab my arm. "We have to bring Bell." I tell him through my tears. "We can't." He shouts over the Berg that was getting dangerously close. "THEY'LL KILL HER! Minho, Thomas, grab Bell." They follow my instructions. Then we Start heading back to camp.

"Hurry, bandage her up!" I know it's a silly thing to say. we have no medical supplies. I can't keep myself from saying it. I rip the bottom of my shirt and wrap it along her arm. Then a thought pops into my head. If we had left her there, and the berg had taken her, would they fix her body? I knew that she had a slim chance of surviving with our care. No, WICKED would have killed her in a heart beat.

"She is going to be okay." Newt tells me. He wraps me into a hug.  I look up at him and he leans in. " Newt," I say pulling away. He looks startled. "You know I can't do this. As much as I want too. Not with Bell like this." He sighs. "I already told you, she's going to be okay." He says gently.  I hug him again. He kisses my forehead. I felt nothing except pain.

"We have to keep moving. " Minho says. "We can't just stay here forever. One of those flyie things is going to come back for her."  Frypan and a lot of the other boys agree. "Let's just give her another day." I say. Minho shakes his no. "We were given 2 weeks to find the cure place. We have 6 days left and I'm not about to waste one on some WICKED  person because YOU say to." His eyes are glowing with anger, but it's not directed towards me. "Fine, you keep going. I'll stay here will Bell. I'll meet you guys when she wakes up. If I'm to late.... Just go without me." I tell him. "There's no bloody way where're doin' that!"  Newt shouts. "Yeah, Cora, just leave her behind." I know I should go with them. Bell has done nothing but cause trouble for me but I have to stay. " Go, I 'm staying here with Bell. I'll meet you in 4 days at the place." I  tell them. It's a compromise. I still go on the 4th day no matter what.

"Shouldn't you be packing?" I ask Newt as he steps into my room of the shack. "Why? I'm not going anywhere." I roll my eyes. "Yes you are." He grabs my hands and pulls me close. I'm staying with you. No matter what." I don't stop, I press my lips onto his. I've been waiting so long for this. I do it even though I know I shouldn't, but kissing him makes me forget Bell and WICKED.  It doesn't last long, but it was wonderful. "Now I'm defiantly staying with you." I smile, but as well, it doesn't happen for very long. "That was a good bye kiss, Newt. Now, go pack. I'll see you in 4 days."


Sorry guys, I've been grounded and had major writers block. Comment if you are still enjoying my story! <3


Shelby Sangster

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