Chapter 12

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I don't stop running until I reach the cliff. I remember watching a TV show when I was really little about a boy who could only hang onto a twig on the side of the cliff once he fell. Then he had to awnser ELA questions before the superhero would save him. I swear I'm not a weird. I sit on the edge of the cliff, letting my feet dangle. " Its not worth it." A voice behind me says. I flip around. Bell and Teressa are here. "Don't. It's not worth it. And if you know who ever found out, the past might repeat itself" (A/n ok, so yeah. That was two Harry Potter quotes in one but I'm talking about Newt. Why do I always bring him up?) "I hadn't planned on it." I say to her and get up. "Listen, Teressa, could you give us a minute?" She asks. Teressa awkwardly steps into the brush. Only to where she can still see me, buy not hear. "Ok, I know you know about Jorge and I in WICKED and that I'm not just another girl stuck her by then like you. I work for them. Still. But I'm helping you. They," she says gestering to WICKED, "Don't know I'm here to help. Jorge, Cameron, and I are here to help you get to... Right Arm."

I continue to pace the floor of the bunker.  "What is taking them so long?" I almost shout. "They will be back. I trust my sister." The new girl, Cameron pipes. I walk over to her and shove my finger in her face. "Yeah and how am I supposed to trust you? For all I know you could be an imposter from WICKED trying to kill my.... Friend." I mutter. She shrugs. "Believe what you want." The leaves. I think back to the time in the maze. It was the same routine. Wake, boss the glade around, eat, sleep and klunk. That's all we knew. But now, its different. I would give my lives for all these shanks, but the new girls, but I would do anything to keep Cora safe. It's like something takes over and I need to be with her. To protect her. Then, again, I herd one of the worst sounds. A girl is screaming. Run.

Hey guys. So if you haven't guessed by now I like to leave it at cliff hangers. So, if any of you have read my story, please tell me in the comments whether I should continue it or not. I hope you like my story do far . Please follow Pene and read her story, Under WICKED Lies. peneolamaleva
Shelby Sangster

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