Chapter Two

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The house was dark. Zak and DJ were lying in bed sound asleep. The two dogs, Salem, and Gracie were cuddled together on the giant dog bed on the floor.

Salem's head suddenly shot up and he stared at DJ. Suddenly, DJ jolted awake, freaking out which made Zak wake up. DJ landed on the floor against the wall and slid herself back. Her breath was erratic as she looked around the room.

"Hey, hey, you're okay." Zak said as he squatted by DJ's side and put his hand on her shoulder.

DJ was finally able to slow her breathing down, but she could feel her heart beating in her chest. Salem creeped up to DJ and put his head on DJ's shoulder.

"You good?" Zak asked. DJ nodded her head.

DJ then put her hands on either side of her head.

"Stop, stop, stop." DJ said quietly as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"What's going on?" Zak asked.

"I keep hearing the word 'cancer' in my head." DJ replied as she fought back the tears that threatened to surface.

"Is somebody saying it to you?"

"I don't know. The world just keeps repeating itself over and over in my head."

After a few minutes, DJ finally calmed down. But she knew something was wrong.

"Hand me my phone please." Zak stood up and walked over to the side table where her phone was sitting. He brought back to DJ who stood up and dialed a number; it was her mom's number. Instead of her mother answering, it was DJ's cousin, Ryan.

"Is mom okay?" DJ asked when Ryan answered. There was silence on the other end.

"She's really sick, DJ." Ryan finally said. "I begged her to tell you when she found out, but she refused...she has stage 4 lung cancer."

DJ sucked in a deep breath and walked out of the bedroom. She leaned against the wall beside the doorway.

"She was doing chemo for a few years now, but it's gotten worse and we're not sure how much longer she has left."

"Can you please tell me where she's at? I need to see her."

"Of course. I'll send you the info."

DJ hung up her phone. Zak finally walked out of the bedroom.

"Mom has stage 4 lung cancer." DJ said with her eyes closed. "I think my brother was trying to tell me...and when I woke up freaking out, I felt like I couldn't breathe."

"And she never told?" Zak asked gently.

"I don't know why she wouldn't. She either still hates me for blaming her for Deacon's death or she feels bad about it. But I got the info on the hospital she's staying from my cousin."

"Do you want me to go with you?" DJ opened her eyes.

"I think I need to go by myself and talk to her."

"If you need me, I'll be here."


DJ made the drive to the hospital where her mom was staying. As she walked up to the door of the hospital, Ryan met her outside. He hugged her and she hugged him back.

"Did you tell her that I was coming?" DJ asked after she got her visitor's pass.

"I didn't." Ryan replied as they got into the elevator. "I thought she'd be angry and tell the hospital you weren't allow. But, I knew you needed to see her and she needed to see you."

"I appreciate that. You didn't bring Salem with you? I thought he was your service dog?"

"I probably will need him after this."

Ryan let DJ to the room where her mom was staying. She knocked on the door, then walked in. Her mom, Mel, was hooked up to an oxygen machine. Mel looked up at DJ but didn't say anything. Her eyes slowly filled with tears.

"Why didn't you tell me?" DJ asked as she stood at the edge of her mom's med with her arms crossed.

"I was mad at you, and you were mad at me." Mel replied as she wiped the stray tears away.

"Mom, I forgave you a long time ago." DJ sat at the edge of bed by Mel's feet. "You're my mom for crying out loud. We fought all time and yes, blaming you for Deacon's death was very wrong of me...I know losing your son was horrible and hard on you. I lost the best and only friend I ever had. But you're my mother."

DJ felt her eyes watering and she sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry that I acted like Deacon's death was your fault. I really am."


DJ went back home after a long conversation with her mom. It had been a few days since then. The crew sat around the coffee table at Zak and DJ's house going over some places to investigate.

She sat back in her chair listening to the guys talk about where they wanted to go. Since the second she woke up this morning, DJ has had a weird feeling. It was bad, but it wasn't a good feeling. It was just a feeling that that something happened, but she couldn't place her finger on it.

DJ looked down at her dog, Salem, a red Cattle dog mix. He wagged his tail and stared at her as he tilted his head. Zak's dog, Gracie, was sleeping in the dog by the door.

DJ then stood up getting the attention of the guys, but she didn't say anything. She walked to the sliding back door and walked outside with the two dogs.

After she sat down, DJ pulled out the digital recorder that she had in her pocket since she woke up. She couldn't get the spirit that she was feeling to communicate with her, so this was her second option.

DJ held it in her hand as she pressed the button.

"Please...just say something." DJ said and held the recorder still. The guys stood on the other side of the doorway as they watched.

DJ sucked in a breath as she as she played the recorder. A few seconds of waiting, DJ got her answer.

"Love you." DJ turned the recorder off and dropped her head. It was her mother's voice. Salem and Gracie walked up to DJ and nudged her arms.

"You couldn't have just told me?" DJ asked as she lifted her head. Zak quietly walked outside. "I felt you standing behind me. I've felt you all morning." DJ suddenly smiled when she looked over by the pool. She couldn't see her mother and Deacon, but she could see the two birds sitting there staring at her.

"Your mom?" Zak asked as he sat down next to DJ. She nodded her head.

"I felt her all morning, but she wouldn't say anything, and neither would my brother." DJ replied.

"How often do you communicate with him?" Aaron asked as he sat on the other side of her. Billy and Jay sat on the porch swing.

"It seems like only when I need him." DJ replied again. "He knows he can move on or he has and he travels back and forth. I still don't know that part."

"So, you think he can come and go from wherever?" Aaron asked again.

"I really don't know. And to be honest, I don't care. I like knowing he comes and goes. I'd be happier if he did move on, but he likes it here. And now..." DJ continued looking at where the birds were sitting but have since flown away. "...He's helping my mom move on."


DJ got in contact with the rest of her family to plan her mother's funeral.

The five guys came with as support for her since Aaron, Jay, and Billy were her closest friends.

DJ sat in one of the chairs while the guys talked with some of her family members. She stared at her mother's picture.

"I hope your happy now." DJ said quietly. "I know things were rough and I'm very glad that we were able to talk before you died."

Living With Ghost (Zak Bagans) #1Where stories live. Discover now