Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I'm calling out the dark entity that possessed me three years ago." DJ spoke loudly as she, Zak, Aaron, Billy, and Jay stood in the lit part of the inside of the prison. "You had me terrified so bad that I didn't want to come back here. But I'm back and I want to talk to whoever or whatever attached itself to me." DJ looked around the prison and the entire group heard a whispery type of voice say "hey" as a greeting.

"You know we're here. We're going to be locked down again tonight and I want to talk to the evil entity that made DJ his target the last time we were here, and I want you to show yourself." The crew would soon regret what Zak said.


About two and a half hours into the lockdown, something had happened causing DJ and Zak to split off from the main group. Not hearing from either Zak or DJ in a half hour, Aaron, Billy, Jay, Sherri, and Father Ashcraft all began to look for the two of them.

"Is that a camera?" Sherri asked upon seeing a light laying on the floor. They quickly walked up to and saw that it was a camera.

"This is DJ's camera." Aaron said showing everything the red stripe that indicated that it was in fact DJ's camera.

"We need to find Zak and DJ." Billy said obviously getting nervous.

"I think we should split up, me, Sherri, and Billy go this way, Father Ashcraft, and Aaron are going back towards Solitary confinement." Jay finally spoke up. The group split up and went in their directions.

"Salem?" Sherri asked causing Billy and Jay to look in the direction she was looking. There stood Salem but they know all three dogs were back home in Las Vegas. Salem barked and began running in a direction leading the three of them down a dark hallway.

"Salem isn't with us." Jay said looking at Billy.

"Something is wrong. When we get out of here, we need to call Lou and check up on Salem." The barking stopped as they got to a cell and found both Zak and DJ in the cell. Zak sat on a bed with his elbow propped on his knees with his face in his hands. DJ stood next to him with her arms on the top bunk and her head on her arms.

"Guys?" Aaron said just as Father Ashcraft and Aaron joined up with them. DJ and Zak didn't move, nor did they respond to them. The minute Father Ashcraft stepped into the cell, Zak and DJ's heads shot up with tremendous speed. Both had the look of hate and anger in their eyes directed at Father Ashcraft.

"DJ, are you alright?" Father Ashcraft asked staring right at DJ.

"Get out." DJ said as she continued looked down. She could feel something leaving her and for some reason, her hand shot out and pressed into Zak's shoulder as he continued his stare at Father Ashcraft. They continued to film the entire thing until DJ's legs gave out and Zak snapped out of his trance in time to catch DJ.

"What happened?" Zak asked as he and DJ stood to their feet.

"I don't know, you guys walked off from the group and we didn't from you for a half hour, so we came looking for you." Aaron replied as they moved to let DJ and Zak out. But whatever had a hold on them was not done with DJ. She felt something take hold of her again.

"It's back." DJ said which causing Zak to immediately shut down every camera. Within a few minutes, DJ was angered by everything and pushed her way through everybody.

"No cameras." Zak said as everybody walked towards the only area with lights. "Give me the spirit box." Billy grabbed it and handed it to Zak.

"Who is here? Who is attached to DJ?" Zak asked holding the spirit box towards DJ. DJ's hand came out and slapped the spirit box out of Zak's hand just as a voice came through and said "I'm back". Salem appeared again and barked something fierce. DJ looked down at him as a sound came out of him was a sound that neither Zak nor DJ had never heard. It was a mixture of a bark, a whine, a snarl, and a growl. Everybody there heard a man's voice say "fine" and DJ fell just as Zak caught her. DJ just broke down in tears and wrapped her arms around Zak as he helped her up. "You can turn the cameras back on." Aaron, Jay, and Billy quickly turned the cameras on to document what was going. Zak carried DJ bridle style out of the prison so she could get some fresh hair.

"I shouldn't have come here." DJ said, forgetting that her microphone was on.

"I know, I shouldn't have made you come." Zak said as he put DJ's feet on the ground.

"Why was I seeing Salem? We didn't bring him with." DJ didn't give Zak a chance to respond. She dug into his pocket and grabbed his phone since she had forgotten her's at the hotel. She sent a text asking Lou if Salem was out. The response she had gotten brought tears to her eyes.

From Unknown: You need to come home as soon as you can.


"Our lockdown turned into one of the best and worst lockdowns we've probably had since the beginning of Ghost Adventures." Zak said into Billy's camera. "We had a lot happen and because of what happened, we had to cut the cameras due to how bad it got. DJ and I both had a terrifying experience, something we were hoping to avoid. We are missing one person now. DJ is back at our hotel because of what happened during the lockdown was a lot for her to handle. Billy, come here." Billy handed his camera to Sherri for a quick second. "Billy, your group was the first to find us. I don't remember what happened after we got locked down. Can you tell us what happened with DJ and myself?"

"After about two and half hours of being locked down, all of us noticed that both you and DJ had wondered off in two different directions." Bill replied to Zak's question. "We hadn't heard from you guys for about a half hour, so we split up. I was with Sherri and Jay. We, believe it or not, saw Salem who led us to you two sitting in the same cell. You were sitting on the bed while DJ was standing up. Both of you didn't respond to us until Father Ashcraft walked into the cell."

"Is that a boat?" Aaron asked turning his head around. Everybody looked around to see a boat and DJ walked up towards them.

"Hold on, guys." Zak said and walked up to DJ. The cameras pointed at the ground as Zak got up to her.

"Are you okay?" Zak asked as he hugged DJ.

"I'll be fine." DJ replied as she hugged him back. Zak and DJ walked back to them and stood back in front of the camera with Zak's around her waist to comfort her.

"Billy, what happened after Father Ashcraft stepped into the cell?" Zak asked as DJ wrapped her arm around his waist.

"You and DJ both looked up at Father Ashcraft, it wasn't any of us, it was Father Ashcraft."

"I remember part of that." DJ spoke up causing Zak to look at her. She could feel his hands rubbing his back as she wiped a few tears away.

"You don't have to talk about it." Zak said knowing how bad it messed her up.

"All I can remember is something more powerful than last time. I remember looking at Father Ashcraft only because whatever was got caught at a weak point and loosened his grip." DJ wiped away couple more tears and Zak kissed her head. "That's all I remember." Zak spoke up again.

"After all of this happened, I called home and found that...." Zak looked at DJ who tried to keep herself from crying because she knew what Zak was about to say. "...that the reason why DJ's dog, Salem, was 'seen' and showed Jay, Billy, and Sherri their way to us was because about two hours before our lockdown......" Zak rubbed DJ's back as she covered her face with her hands. ".......Salem was accidentally hit and killed by car. This lockdown was supposed to be a way to find out why what happened last time happened, but we got a lot more."

The cameras stopped having finished the entire special. Zak quickly wrapped his arms around DJ feeling like shit for making DJ go through that since she was already upset about losing her beloved Salem whom she had for six years.

"I'm really sorry." Zak said as he rubbed DJ's back. He kissed DJ's head and then she looked up at him. Zak pressed his forehead against her's and kissed her making her smile. Zak pulled and smiled.


"I feel like shit for putting you through that."

"We had to do it." Zak nodded his head and kissed her again.

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