Selfie stick!

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At the Moonpool...

Littlecloud: Let's take a medicine cat selfie!

Willowshine: Thats a great idea!

Littlecloud: * pulls out phone* Crowd in everyone!

*They all crush together* 

Littlecloud: * takes selfie, every one is all crushed and blurry* hmmmm... well that didn't turn out very good...

*They all head home*

Jayfeather: hmmmmmmmm...

Next moon... 

Littlecloud: Woah! Jayfeather what's that?!

Jayfeather: *Holding selfie stick* I invented this!

Mothwing: What is it?

Kerstleflight: And what's up with the vine on the end of it?

Jayfeather: It's a selfie stick!

Everyone else: A what now?

Jayfeather: A selfie stick! you put your phone inside of the vine and it holds the phone in place so you can hold your phone out farther and get a bigger selfie!

Littlecloud: Let's try this! *takes selfie stick and puts phone inside of vine* Okay eveyone gather round! Selfie! * takes selfie the selfie turns out great and he posts on on facebook it gets lots of thumbs up.

Littlecloud: Thanks Jayfeather! 

Jayfeather: Your'e welcome! I can make more and pass them out to everyone!

Kerstleflight: that's a great idea!

 Jayfeather goes back to Thunder clan and makes a bunch more selfie sticks and everyone gets one in all the clans.


      Good job Jayfeather for inventing the selfie stick! *applause applause applause*  I'd also like to give a shout out to Pandahugs225 For giving me the idea to make a spoof book. You should check her spoof book out! It's really funny!                                                      ~Sparkspirit

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