Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


*After ICON*

"Bianca, Cenzo's having a pool party. Wanna come?" Nick asked

"Duhh of course I will." I said

After dance, we all went home to get ready. I got home, took a shower, changed into my baby blue bandeau bikini. Then I put my white short shorts, and my shirt over it and left. I met up with Mikey and Nick, and walked across the street. Yeah, all we had to do was walk across the street. Lol. Once we got there Shealeigh, Katelyn, Louis, Madison, Jason, and Sarah were already there.

We all said hi to each other then all the boyz took off their shirts and jumped into the pool. Us girls laid out on the chairs to work on our tans. I was just relaxing until it got really hot so I decided to go into the water. I took off my shorts and shirt, and all the boyz were staring at me.

"What? Quit staring! I know I'm sexy." I said while strutting a pose 😂

"Oh lord, she seriously hasn't changed!" Madison said

"Oh shut up Madison." I said before jumping into the pool

As the cold water hit my body, it was so refreshing. I swam up to the surface of the water and I instantly felt arms wrap around my waist. It was my love. Mikey❤

"Well hello there beautiful." Mikey said flirty

"Herro my love " I said while turning around

I was just there in Mikey's arms, in the pool, with everyone staring at us. I really didn't care tho. I just stared into Mikey's chocolate brown eyes. This moment was perfect. He started to lean in and so did I. Next thing I know we're kissing, in front of everyone. During the kiss I start hearing camera noises go off, knowing the boyz they were gonna tweet it and probably post it on Instagram.

We pulled away. That was amazing, just like our first kiss. I love this boy so much. Wait did I just say that?! Yeah I did! I love him :).

After we got out of the pool, we went inside and decided to play truth or dare. Oh lord not this game again!

"Okay, Umm Bianca! Truth or dare?" Louis asked

"Umm well I picked dare last time so, imma pick truth." I said

"Okay, who was your first kiss?" He asked

I had to think, then it hit me.

"Oh it was actually Mikey. I was. What? In kindergarten? And yeah so he was my first kiss." I explained

"Aww" he said

"Okay, Nick. Truth or dare?" I asked

"Truth." He said

"Okay, who was your first crush?" I asked

"Um , actually. It was Brianna from our first grade class." He said

"Aww- wait ew I hated her!" I exclaimed

"Why?" Jason said

"She was annoying, and she hated me too so yeah lol." I said back

Nick's POV

"Um , actually. It was Brianna from our first grade class." I said

That was a complete lie. My first crush was. Bianca. And I still like her today. No screw that I love her. When she started to date Mikey, I was so mad. Even though you couldn't see it, only people who know are Vinny and Louis. That day she moved back, I was going to make my move, but I was too late. I have to admit, I've always been a bit jealous of Mikey. He always does better than me. I always get second place for everything. Just for once, I wish I could beat him at something.

"Okay so Mikey. Truth or Dare?" I asked

"Truth." He said

"Who was your first girlfriend?" I asked

"Nevermind I choose dare!" He exclaimed

"Okay. I dare you to answer my question." I smirked

"Montana......" He trailed off

I looked over to Bianca, who looked mad and pissed off.

*Later that day*

We decided to have a sleepover at Vinny's house.

*Bianca's POV*

While I was changing into my normal clothes, I was thinking about how much I loved Mikey. I think I'm going to tell him. I walked into the living room, when the bell rang. Sarah went to go open the door. No! Why. Is. That. Here? Montana.

"HAYYYYYYYYYY PPL!!!!!!" Montana yelled hurting my ears

"Um who invited her?" I asked

She was wearing the shortest shorts and the tightest shirt ever. And she called me the slut?!

"Um I don't know, how about you ask Vincent." She said

"Um no I didn't invite you." Vinny said.

"Whatever." She said rudely " Oh well hello there Spikey!"

"Don't talk to me." He said while putting his arms around me.

*Later That Night*

Montana is still here and is just being the bitch she is. Mikey went to his house to get a few things and Montana said she "needed air." We were all outside in the backyard, when I got a text from "Mikey 😘🙈" it said to go out to the front. So I did what was told

When I opened the front door, I saw something I never wanted to see. Mikey and Montana, kissing. I was trying to hold back the tears. And the saddest part was that he was kissing her back. They pulled apart and Mikey looked at me as if he was gonna say something.

"B it's not wha-" I cut him off "Save it Mikey. Okay, I thought you cared for me. And I thought I loved you. But no. All of my thoughts are wrong. You broke my heart Mikey. You know what I've been through. I thought you can save me. But no you let me fall. I'm done, we're done. Don't talk, come near, or even look at me ever again. Because know this, you broke my heart Michael Fusco." At this point I was crying my eyes out, everyone from the backyard had seen everything, and heard everything.

"And for you Montana, stay away from me and my friends. Go ahead! Have Mikey! Because right now, I really don't care what you do to him. Just don't talk to me if you know what's good for you" I spat

I was about to turn around and walk away, but Mikey pulled my wrist. And forced me to look at him.

"Stop it! Don't freaking touch me." I said while pulling away from his grip

"Stop Bianca! Listen to me! I love you okay! There I said it! I LOVE YOU!" He yelled " She kissed me! I was walking back here and she took my phone and kissed me!" He said


I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

|||| Hey ppl! Sorry for a wait, been busy this week. Sorry for my language in that one spot. Lol What's gonna happen next? Fan, Vote, Comment! ~Bianca 😘||||

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